Rear wheel - Movement


New member
Hi all,

I had some play i my rear wheel so fitted some new bearings which popped in and out with just a small tap, hardly any force at all, and i still have play in the wheel once on and tightened up! I fitted an 'all balls' bearing kit. Do you think the bearings are too loose maybe? wheel damaged over the years meaning they arent tight anymore?

Many Thanks,

I had exactly the same problem with my well used 2004 EC300.

The correct fix is to replace the worn hub, of course this is quite expensive. If you're a serious/competition rider I guess you'd just go ahead and replace the hub or complete wheel. But if you're a serious/competition then you wouldn't be riding an old/worn bike like mine, you'd have a nice new bike, maybe a few years old at the most! :D

However, I fixed the problem by using a centre punch to 'peen' the bearing housings and fitted the bearings using Loctite 660 bearing fit.

I'm really pleased with how it worked, even after putting plenty of hours on the bike, I still can't feel any play in the wheel.

Yes, it's a bit of a bodge, but why not try it?

Detailed description of how to do it here...
Thanks very much! Let me try the Loctite method before anything more drastic. Its a weekend fun dirt bike at the end of the day, it doesn't have to be 100% pristine!

Edit: Just seen the link. Thanks for the extra info, really appreciate it. Thought it was new wheel time!
I had exactly the same problem with my well used 2004 EC300.

The correct fix is to replace the worn hub, of course this is quite expensive. If you're a serious/competition rider I guess you'd just go ahead and replace the hub or complete wheel. But if you're a serious/competition then you wouldn't be riding an old/worn bike like mine, you'd have a nice new bike, maybe a few years old at the most! :D

However, I fixed the problem by using a centre punch to 'peen' the bearing housings and fitted the bearings using Loctite 660 bearing fit.

I'm really pleased with how it worked, even after putting plenty of hours on the bike, I still can't feel any play in the wheel.

Yes, it's a bit of a bodge, but why not try it?

Detailed description of how to do it here...

I've used that method in the past. Definitely works.. and if it fails again, then move onto the more expensive options of having the hub machined and sleeved or sourcing a new wheel.