

New member
Two questions.
1. Has anyone had any problems with their reeds? I am about to install my third set on a 2011 ec 300, it has the vforce reeds. It doesn't even have 100 hours on it yet. Last set lasted maybe four hours.

2.Does anyone have any opinion as to whether Boysen or Vforce would be a better choice on the above bike.

FWIW- I spoke with a tech at moto tassinari today and they are sending me a complete new assembly. Ill update as to wether that solves my problems. I pleaded for a vforce 4 but they said not available.
Inspect the internal case surfaces in the area of the reed block for any flashing, or a protruding center case gasket. The reeds need room to move (about 9mm) and will be damaged if they contact a rough or uneven surface. Generally a set should last as long as a top end (approx 75 - 100hrs), thats when I swap mine and they are just showing early signs of fraying.
Two questions.
1. Has anyone had any problems with their reeds? I am about to install my third set on a 2011 ec 300, it has the vforce reeds. It doesn't even have 100 hours on it yet. Last set lasted maybe four hours.

2.Does anyone have any opinion as to whether Boysen or Vforce would be a better choice on the above bike.

FWIW- I spoke with a tech at moto tassinari today and they are sending me a complete new assembly. Ill update as to wether that solves my problems. I pleaded for a vforce 4 but they said not available.

Any idea whats happening? Are they fraying or chipping? No crud getting through your air filter?
Two questions.
1. Has anyone had any problems with their reeds? I am about to install my third set on a 2011 ec 300, it has the vforce reeds. It doesn't even have 100 hours on it yet. Last set lasted maybe four hours.

2.Does anyone have any opinion as to whether Boysen or Vforce would be a better choice on the above bike.

FWIW- I spoke with a tech at moto tassinari today and they are sending me a complete new assembly. Ill update as to wether that solves my problems. I pleaded for a vforce 4 but they said not available.

Have not had any issues with any of ours yet. All the KTM's I prep had the same issue until the new VForve4 reed pedal stop design. I think the reed material/preload is new on the V4 also, its noticeable by the matte finish and cleaner edges. Maybe you'll get the new mat'l.
I did inspect the internal surface where the reeds broke, (bottom reed on the outside corners) there was nothing noticeable. When this set broke it was during a very dusty race, when it quit revving i thought i had a clogged air filter, but i believe no dirt got thru to damage the reeds.

I asked for the v force four assembly but they said no dice, didn't even have enough product to build one for me. The tech said it must not be holding enough tension so the reeds are over extending and breaking and they always break on the corners first.
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They could be breaking on the corners because they may be contacting the cases there, which may ultimately function as a reed stop. I talked to the Mototassinari guys in detail when I made my own manifold to use a VF in an '03 250. The outer reeds will travel at least 9mm. The corners of the throat in the cases have a radius, and the sand casting can be rough. Its much easier to see the picture of whats going on with the cyl off. I'd install the reed block and manually pull the reeds open to see if there is uneven contact. If you releive and smooth this area as required you should have no problems from an application perspective. Unless there was a batch of bad reeds from Mototassinari I doubt its a reed problem. VF3s have been around for a few years now, I wouild think this would be more widespread if it was a product issue.
Broken reed

Bottom corner as you described. Mine packed it in today! Bike would hardly rev and sounded like the exhaust pipe had split open. Very clang clang clang with the stroke of the piston. Very fluffy weak delivery like when you pull the choke.


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My last ride I experience those symptoms. I haven't ridden in a couple months. I will check them this winter some time.