I am a licensed Florida Criminal Trial Attorney.
I'm not advising you on Arizona law. But in Florida, that would be Aggravated Assault with Deadly Weapon which is a 3rd Degree Felony (5 years Max Prison with other penalities)which carries a firearm enhancement which triggers a min/man sentence of three tears prison. In Florida the guy with the AR 15 would have gotten linked up(cuffed and arrested). It really sounds kinda crazy to me that he wasn't arrested.
In Florida there are other firearm enhancements that are triggered when a firearm is carried, discharged or a person is shot or killed. These mins/maxs are 10 years, 20 years and life in prison. Also, note Federal Law applies even if no Florida law prohibits the conduct.(Due to space constraints I won't discuss this topic.)
*Disclaimer=You knew it was coming..........
This is a very brief explanation of Florida Law and these cases are very fact intensive and any analysis could change based on the facts of the case.This is just a general discussion. There are also several defenses available. Consult your attorney for a complete analysis of your case and or situation.