Rieju.Direct...would you buy one now?

Mark Berg - CPD

Site Sponsor
I have been working on this awhile now and in fact was prepared to switch GasGas to this business model last summer in the USA if they ever got things figured out in Spain (which they did not).


Order a new Rieju from your dealer or our website. Once delivered to your closest Rieju dealer and the purchase is complete, the dealer warranty registers the bike with CPD. We then send you the customer your own username/password and you can order all OEM parts, Aftermarket, and Clothing DIRECT from our US warehouse to your doorstep. Product to your door within 4 days no matter where in the USA.

Technical, Warranty, Service ALL still done completely through the authorized Rieju dealer. We will be sticklers about this. No customer calls to our warehouse. ONLINE Orders only.

The dealer will get an email at the same time of your purchase from our Rieju.Direct shopping sight letting them know their customer is getting parts AND the dealer gets a commission on every purchase!

This helps a small OEM like Rieju and the dealer network on many levels. It doesn't take away from them like Amazon, or Rocky Mountain but gives a better support to the customer that is looking for something different than the other LARGE brands.....and a better product! :D

If you like this idea? Tell your local past GasGas dealer or ANY good dealer in your area about this program and to get on board with it! We will need your help to get Rieju (Ray-who) moving in the US.

Sorry my solicitation on a GG forum...will be my one and only. I promise!
Sounds good to me, Mark! You can ask or solicit anything here as far as this member is concerned. You have been instrumental in keeping the real GG alive so you've earned it!
That sounds like a good idea to me. I would love to have one, cant wait to see what kind of dealer Network you get set up.

I was hoping with the current events that there would be a "Rieju" section on the Forum seeing how their current gas gas models. I don't really see too many people on this forum supporting KTM
Pencil me in for the Pro 250.

Mark. You are more than welcome to post here.
I'm sure this forum would support both brands.
Is there any plan to have Canadian dealers? We have been suffering up here in Canada. Im in Alberta,own two Gassers and haven’t had a Gasgas dealer for years.
I would love to get another new one but am starting to look at more readily available brands.
I registered the domain names riejurider.org and riejurider.com for when we need to transition to two separate communities... We are definitely not there yet...

Here is link to Mark's new enterprise....


and Rieju...


I hope when the split comes that pre-KTM GG info and posts are transitioned over to the Rieju forum as it won't have anything to do with the new GG. Well, other than trials bikes anyway.
I was going to shoot you a message today Jeff to see what direction the forum would head.

I'm near certain I won't have any useful input for 2021+ GG's.

I wish to participate in the Reiju side of things.. I may not own one for a while. Going to be interesting to see if Australia ends up with a distributer.. If not, I wonder how Mr Berg would feel about international postage :D
I will make an exception for the trials bikes but I don?t want to put a cent in the guys pocket who killed them. I would really like a trials bike but there are few places to ride them legally here.

Hell I have over 80 hours on mine in the back yard. Makes you a much better rider
I hope when the split comes that pre-KTM GG info and posts are transitioned over to the Rieju forum as it won't have anything to do with the new GG. Well, other than trials bikes anyway.

That's my thoughts - but nothing will happen in a vacuum and there aren't any immediate plans.

Just thinking ahead a little and registering the domain names to reserve the parking space. ;-) I figured mark would eventually want his customers going to a forum with the name Rieju in it! :-)

This is freaking brilliant!! Great idea Mark, will certainly help the brand grow quickly, parts was always a sticking point with lots of people I would tell about the bikes, this would ease lots of peoples fears of trying the brand.