Six days in Slovakia

Mark Berg - CPD

Site Sponsor
Greetings from Kosice!

Wanted to let everyone know about the six days currently going on here in Slovakia! I have said it before, and i'll say it again...even if you aren't fast enough to qualify (AKA ME!) You should experience an ISDE once in your life! It is so much fun to see everyone on the same effort and the whole US crew working together to make sure these guys finish all 6 days!

Our team (gofasters) of Nate Ferderer, Brian Garrahan, and Reid Brown are doing well and the terrain is a blast! Everyone is loving the terrain and the trails! Trophy team is in first, but the juniors had two setbacks with Layne Michael injuring his wrist in the first test and Stu Baylor with shoulder injuries! Sun in the morning and rain in the afternoon yesterday and the forecast looks the same today!

Fred Hoess is going for the record amount of golds at the ISDE, 19!!!

Off to the paddocks for day 2!

Our team (gofasters) of Nate Ferderer, Brian Garrahan, and Reid Brown are doing well and the terrain is a blast!

That sounds sweet Mark!

When you say Reid that the same individual that hails from our fantastic Pacific Northwest? I had no idea (not that I'm in the know much of the time).

Please PLEASE post up reports from your trip; it's great reading stuff from the various sources (, etc), but there's nothing like the perspective from one of our own.

So frickin' cool to be over there, experiencing that. I'm sure I can look up the specifics, but if you could post up any cool info, that'd be sweet :cool::cool::cool:
Six days in slovakia.

Aussies are killing it!!! Top spot in world trophy, junior trophy, and womans. WOW.
Day 3 about to begin

I guess the forecasters here are about the same as our weather people. We were supposed to wake up to rain, but its another sunny morning so maybe the rains will come later. If it rains anything more than an inch, alot of guys will struggle with a few hills to climb. Some new guys were already talking buddy system to help, but you can't get any outside assistance except from an trail marshal and that isn't going to happen.

Despite a sluggish morning, Nate is still top club E3 rider with Reid Brown right behind him(yes, same Reid Brown from the northwest, his parents are very nice and their son is the same).

Stu Baylor, despite the shoulder continues to ride and put in some impressive rides.

Day 3 is usually the start of "crabiness" and "brain fade". The fun of the experience has happened in the first 2 days, now its work to get on the bike, concentrate, and get through 7 hrs of seat time. Today and tomorrow you would see everyone pretty quite, maybe a little short with words and every problem can be dramatic because of the moods!

Hopefully the rains stay away!

And yes, Milner and the Aussies FLEW yesterday..besting the Americans by over 1:22 minutes. Taylor Roberts had an off day, but i don't expect that to happen again.
Despite a sluggish morning, Nate is still top club E3 rider with Reid Brown right behind him(yes, same Reid Brown from the northwest, his parents are very nice and their son is the same).

That's so cool Mark, congrats to you and the guys for making it happen and succeeding.

Good luck with the remaining days and riding, it sounds like fatigue can be a major roadblock and I'm sure making it past that is hard as hell.

Looking forward to reading more updates as you have 'em. Checked the full results off yesterday and it was really neat to see team there :D :D
Despite a sluggish morning, Nate is still top club E3 rider with Reid Brown right behind him(yes, same Reid Brown from the northwest, his parents are very nice and their son is the same).

I used to ride with Reid's dad - Barrett Brown on occasion - We had a mutual friend.. Barrett probably didn't say so - not a vain bone in his body - but he medal'ed at the ISDE himself in his younger days... ;-)

They have done more to promote off road riding, racing, and trail development here in the Northwest than anyone I can think of. Including developing a trail clearing machine....

I haven't seen Barrett in many years - please say hello from Jeff Dunham for me and wish both he and his son my best.

I used to ride with Reid's dad - Barrett Brown on occasion - We had a mutual friend.. Barrett probably didn't say so - not a vain bone in his body - but he medal'ed at the ISDE himself in his younger days... ;-)

They have done more to promote off road riding, racing, and trail development here in the Northwest than anyone I can think of. Including developing a trail clearing machine....

I haven't seen Barrett in many years - please say hello from Jeff Dunham for me and wish both he and his son my best.

Seems like an inspirational guy
six days in slovakia

Really bad day for france,usa and great Britain.7 people DQ for missing a check.
Day 4 about to start

Well, I would have bet the farm last night...and lost. The FIM Dq'd a bunch of riders for missing an "observation post". The stink of it is, day 3 trail was just day 1 and 2 transfer route, only backwards.... EXCEPT for this small section where the moved the observation point to be easier! Taylor Roberts, Cris Guerrero (Spain) David Knight (not happy) and a couple others followed 2 French riders and they all missed it! Long night in the jury room and when I woke up I expected it would be fine. Guess not! Some very unhappy teams and it took the US from 1st to 4th. I will let you guys speculate on that one!:rolleyes:

Ryan Sipes still flying and in first overall! Despite Nathan losing 2 minutes trying to change a master link in the cold, wet conditions. team gofasters moved up to 5th. Other teams are doing great and Fred Hoess is still on schedule to break the all time gold medals wins at 19!

Today is really overcast, the rains really didn't come yesterday like they said. Also, today is new trail finally and 2 new tests. The one test was used for all 3 of the last days! Hammered, destroyed, many words to describe that test after 497 bikes hit it twice a day for days!!! Almost 3000 bikes at full throttle!

Garrahan is the end of each day, doing push ups before he impounds his bike, he is pretty good at keeping everyone upbeat, that is for sure.

Day 4 is the day to stay mentally tough! New trail, new tests so you can ride in auto mode. Muscles and bones are tired, and the bikes are showing small issues, so every check you must be prepared to fix something!

Slashed a tire on the rental yesterday early morning in a makeshift parking lot they had us parking at! Piece of metal pole under the weeds and grass and caught the side of my tire just right..or wrong. Town of 1/4 million people and after 5 stops at Renault dealerships and tire companies, not one Bridgestone tire in the one is coming from the Czech Republic today! Little 60 km donut tire just doesn't work on these mountains!

Off we go!
Ten years ago I may or may not have had some rental car issues in that same country.... Wink wink.
thanks for the updates mark! Keep them coming
Off we go!

Wow, sounds like a whole bunch of drama on the missed checkpoint. I can't imagine the tension in whatever the jury room is...wouldn't have wanted to be in there - lol.

Thanks for posting the update and keeping all of us informed - so cool. Can't believe the tire issue couldn't be resolved easier - makes me really glad we have Les Schwab out here :cool:

Looking forward to the next installment Mark - keep up the great work!
Day 5 about to begin

Way past the hump now...moods are better and will be even better tonight when they impound the bikes for the final moto tomorrow because it usually means a "medal" is on the way!

Thad Duvall had electric problems on his Husky so now the Taylor Roberts DQ isn't important for the team result, only important for Taylor. He and the others that were dq'd are riding under protest. This means their scores are recorded but not entered as results. The jury is STILL working on a decision, could be as late as Saturday!

Juniors are in 3rd, despite injuries, they are holding strong and without any mechanicals today should stay there!

Fred still on track for a gold and the remaining club members are all holding strong! You would be amazed at a few of the tests from yesterday. Great views, technical off camber grass tracks and long vertical uphills and downhills.

Gofasters crawled into 4th, but unless a rider on a team ahead has issues looks to be 4th is as far as we will climb. Even if Nate didn't have the 2 minute penalty, we would still be 17 minutes behind!

Today might be a little tough on this old man too. Had dinner with the Austrian/Slovakian/Poland/Hungary KTM HUSKY importer group last night. 14 Austrians/Slovakians/Polish and one dam American. Made for some interesting conversations and even more interesting shots/cocktails! But very fun!

Its all downhill from here! Concentration is the key today. Adrenaline knowing that the finish is close will keep their bodies all going!
Today might be a little tough on this old man too. Had dinner with the Austrian/Slovakian/Poland/Hungary KTM HUSKY importer group last night. 14 Austrians/Slovakians/Polish and one dam American. Made for some interesting conversations and even more interesting shots/cocktails! But very fun!

Saw that some of the DQ'd riders had been reinstated on–-disqualified-riders-reinstated

I bet that was one hell of an evening given that cultural mix :cool::cool: I think something like that definitely deserves a picture or two from the night posted here.

Good luck with the final run Mark, looking forward to reading how things turned out :D
Day 6 ready to roll

Day 6 about to start!

Final day and for most parts its an easy one! 45 KM of trail to an impound area and then they are split into their classes of E1, E2, E3 and womens for a final moto and they are done! Just finish and you've got your medal! Woke up to rain all night and still overcast, could make for some drama...I don't think I have ever been to a "six days" where there hasn't been rider or FIM drama.

Ryan Sipes leads the field and could win the first overall ever for an American!!! The junior team had another setback with Nick Davis's Husky getting dirt into the cylinder and going down. So no world team or junior team on the podium this year. Out of the 10 riders on both teams, only 5 remain standing. 3 mechanicals and 2 injuries...meanwhile EVERY club member that started will finish!!! Pretty Awesome!

Gofasters team was awesome, but unless a miracle DNF by one of the riders ahead, we are stuck at 4th....Still an awesome job by all 3 riders.

After the moto it will be a scramble for everyone to wash their bikes, pack them in the crate, and load that monstrous container. It will take most of the day and into the night. After that, there will be some partying as a British guy quoted last night.

"Yes, well...its going to get a bit messy won't it"