Snow Race


New member
We had round 1 of the IXCR Sunday and man o man what an adventure. Woke up Sunday morning to 8" of fresh snow on top of 3" of existing snow on top of already frozen ground! I had a 4 hour drive to get there and seriously considered staying home but i trudged on in hopes that nobody would show up and it would be free points. Wrong!! 170 other fools lime me showed up to brave the elements. So the stage was set and here we go. Now i dont know if you have ever ridden in snow and ice without studs but holy crap its hard. All the usual obstacles are hidden and the existing water holes become little frozen puddles of DEATH!!! Anyway i got out to an early lead by busting through a couple of bottlenecks and lead most of the first lap. I chose a really bad line on one of the hills and it cost me nearly 15 min that i just never could make up. I finished the day with a 5th in VetC and a 65 overall out of 170. Had a blast and didnt break anything but i dont care to ever do it again! LOL

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You are to be highly comended (or is that comitted?) for braving the elements! I live about 20 miles from there and I don't think I could have even loaded my bike Sunday.Way to represent GG!
I had a 4 hour drive to get there and seriously considered staying home but i trudged on in hopes that nobody would show up and it would be free points. Wrong!! 170 other fools lime me showed up to brave the elements.

Good on you memphis :cool: :cool:

Those conditions look nasty, having ridden with snow in sections of the trail before, I know how dicey it can be. Frickin' awesome job finishing so high and completing the race...that's more than I would have talked myself

I bet one of the best feelings was crossing the finish line, knowing you could kick back after loading up :D