I think the main reason for people finding thi site is when they are frustrated beyond belief by the technical support (or lack of) from Mitaka and don't know where to turn. That's how I found this site and Talking Smack, the other good one. The attitude and approach to running the business that Mitaka has is absolutely crap. For an off road motorcycle dealer not to have a mechanic working for him is in my opinion unacceptable. I bought my '01 300from Dion Belcher and he looked after me until 2006, even though he was no longer involved and he had a less than amicable split with Mitaka. March 2006 and my 300 arrived, Wynand sorted me out and was very helpful, even though he ws trying to race, repair and sell bikes at the same time. June 2006 when my FSE450 arrived, Wynand was just leaving and that's when my headaches started. Both bikes have run awesome, but things get super expensive when repair time comes. A 1000km service on my 450 was ZAR850, a base gasket set for the 300 is ZAR320. A similiar service on a Husaberg is around ZAR550. This is because Mitaka sends their Gas Gaswork out to independents, who charge what they want. Every single gasket between the cases and barrel/head/intake/exhaust only cost ZAR150 from Mitaka!! Be warned if you use them for repairs! The bikes are absolutely fantastic, I just wish that the level of support from the importer matched the quality of the bike and the fanaticism of the owners.