Stator/flywheel sensor gap?


Platinum Level Site Supporter
Does anyone know the correct Stator/flywheel sensor gap?

(I'm not even sure that this is the correct name for the sensor that sits above the flywheel and reads the "cutout window".)

Mine is at .020".


It's not super critical. As long as the mount is straight it should be fine. The stators themselves don't last forever.
They ended up moving my pickup closer to the flywheel aswell as machining it at the dealer a few months ago. Estarting has improved.
Thanks guys.

Does anyone know what the flywheel "cutout gap" is supposed to measure? Some of the early 18s were upgraded, widening the gap as I understand it.

And can you tell me who your dealer is, Gez? I'd love to talk to someone who knows about the flywheel mod.


Yeah mine was done in Australia, Gasgas actually did the machining. Maybe worth asking a dealer in your area?