this will slow me down a little....


Your buddy has a better chance then me. A broken collarbone, first rib, knocking myself out, a helo ride out of the woods and remembering very little for 2 1/2 weeks of my life warrants a peace time for the wife. My wife did not make me sell my bike. I choice to sell it. I figured with all the crap I put her is better to lay low for now. Next spring is my target date for a new/used bike.
my wife is pretty cool... back in 95 i broke my neck... c1-c2... we freaked out and sold everything, then after about 10 years when we figured out i was not an invalid and my son turned 13, we started again..

one of our friends asked her if this would get me off a bike..

she replied "if a broken neck did not, i doubt a broken ankle will "

atta girl
but you get to keep the 150 hp snowmobile because snow is soft when you hit it? :D

yes this line of thinking doesn't make sense ...
I ridden sleds in the same area as nhrider ....
you can go a butt load faster through the woods on a sled around here than you can on bike!! They run $110,000 groomers over the trails every night!! 30 mph in the tight stuff is no big deal, get on the open stuff and you can boot it up to 40 to 70 mph!! Go up north and you can do 80 to 100 plus!! Just don't get caught. In Maine they don't have a speed limit ... you can go 80 to 100 all day long if the trail can handle it and you want to!!

What do you think a tree will feel like at 45 mph?? .... never mind 70!!!
Compared to the last sport I was seriously involved in (deep shipwreck diving), this is a walk in the park. Several deaths a year off NJ were common and always freaked out my family, and my wife is a diver herself. So, if I get hurt and she starts complaining, I just say OK, I could sell the bike and get a new closed circuit mixed gas rebreather to go deeper and longer than ever. That usually changes her tone.

Good luck with the injuries. That impaled foot brings back memories, I have some knarly photos I should dig out.
yes this line of thinking doesn't make sense ...
I ridden sleds in the same area as nhrider ....
you can go a butt load faster through the woods on a sled around here than you can on bike!! They run $110,000 groomers over the trails every night!! 30 mph in the tight stuff is no big deal, get on the open stuff and you can boot it up to 40 to 70 mph!! Go up north and you can do 80 to 100 plus!! Just don't get caught. In Maine they don't have a speed limit ... you can go 80 to 100 all day long if the trail can handle it and you want to!!

What do you think a tree will feel like at 45 mph?? .... never mind 70!!!

I just got back from love here. LOL

The main concern is watching out for other riders on my side of the trail. Second would be icy corners. The trails are 10' to 15' +. Sled is 48-50 inches. You have a lot more room to work with. I think riding a sled feels like drive a street bike or rally car. No rocks, roots, mud to get crossed up in. I can cruise at 60 mph up in northern NH all day long. Yes, it would hurt/kill you hitting a tree at 45 mph. But then again, you could get killed going out to get the mail. Can you pick my mail up? I have a busy sled season ahead. ;)

And no...My sled is not 150 hp. Don't need it...120hp is just fine.
so jhendr - did you end up with a cast on that leg? mines been on for 3 weeks. comes off in 1 more week. i've been walking on it with no crutches for 2 days now, slow, but mobile. it's amazing how limiting crutches are - you don't think about things like 'how can i carry this' until you are stuck with crutches. the walking part wasn't so bad - it's the having your hands on the crutches all the time that really gets ya.
so jhendr - did you end up with a cast on that leg? mines been on for 3 weeks. comes off in 1 more week. i've been walking on it with no crutches for 2 days now, slow, but mobile. it's amazing how limiting crutches are - you don't think about things like 'how can i carry this' until you are stuck with crutches. the walking part wasn't so bad - it's the having your hands on the crutches all the time that really gets ya.

no cast yet.. been in a boot.. today is 2 weeks and it is almost back to normal colors..go back to ortho monday to make sure it is healing ok..
i have been walking without crutches for a week now.. very slow, but as you say i can carry stuff.. still hurts...
I rolled mine Feb 28th this yr on my trials bike wearing Garne Explorers Still hurts and swells up



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back to the doc today... xrays all look good...

he wants 4 more weeks in the boot.... i think i have a ride coming up before that.... we will see.. he was shocked how it was not swollen and back to the correct color and not much pain...
my doc said come back with your shoes in 2 weeks (aug. 27). i said, not coming back. cutting it off myself on aug. 23rd.. i have to rehab to race on sept. 5/12 (can skip these ones if it's not up to strength)/18/19/26 etc... unfortunately my 18/19 races are on a left kick bike, i hope that i'll have the ankle strength

i'm hoping 3 weeks without a cast will get my ankle back to strength (i'm gonna wear a wrap style brace for at least a month i think.) i know when it comes outta the cast i'll be on crutches again for a day or 2. then i'll street ride a left shift bike for a week or so to see how it feels..
my doc said come back with your shoes in 2 weeks (aug. 27). i said, not coming back. cutting it off myself on aug. 23rd.. i have to rehab to race on sept. 5/12 (can skip these ones if it's not up to strength)/18/19/26 etc... unfortunately my 18/19 races are on a left kick bike, i hope that i'll have the ankle strength

i'm hoping 3 weeks without a cast will get my ankle back to strength (i'm gonna wear a wrap style brace for at least a month i think.) i know when it comes outta the cast i'll be on crutches again for a day or 2. then i'll street ride a left shift bike for a week or so to see how it feels..

i am kinda figuring a couple of more weeks in the boot and i am done..
hope yours heals good also..
was yours fibula nondisplaced crack or break?

mine was nondisplaced fibula break. 5 weeks total cast time. i've seen others get about the same with a boot. i think the cast was better for pain elimination (pain went away in 3 days after the cast was put on..) - i did wait 2 days to get the ankle looked at originally - i couldn't bear the pain anymore..
was yours fibula nondisplaced crack or break?

mine was nondisplaced fibula break. 5 weeks total cast time. i've seen others get about the same with a boot. i think the cast was better for pain elimination (pain went away in 3 days after the cast was put on..) - i did wait 2 days to get the ankle looked at originally - i couldn't bear the pain anymore..

dont remember... saw the exray today and fibula was cracked at the bottom and shifted a little.. he said all the spacing looked good..
i broke it saturday about noon.. rode out.. loaded up.. came home.. unloaded (with help from the wife ) and put it on ice..
sunday am, i could put zero weight on it all, so went to the er and exrayed it..
i took my cast off today. put a wrap type brace on it, walking around gently. feels good to me..

sounds good... he set me an appt for sept 15... prolly wont need that..
it feels very good now, still in ortho boot... told the wife i was gonna start mowing and working around the house in my m/c boots.....

glad it is feeling better...

i've been walking around in my street bike boots. much tighter around the ankles..

momma wont let me have a street bike... broke my neck in 1995 c1-c2.. had to have it fused.. have VERY limited motion in it now... to ride a streeter, i think your head should turn all the way around...
I have 17 degrees one way and 22 the other... i actually agree with her on that one..
Now i am looking for a plate able dual sport for some TAT riding and she is ok with that..
so jhendr - did you end up with a cast on that leg? mines been on for 3 weeks. comes off in 1 more week. i've been walking on it with no crutches for 2 days now, slow, but mobile. it's amazing how limiting crutches are - you don't think about things like 'how can i carry this' until you are stuck with crutches. the walking part wasn't so bad - it's the having your hands on the crutches all the time that really gets ya.

so... stainless, have you tried to ride yet? went out saturday with a bud and his 6 yr old son... could barely shift it... raised the lever and it feels better..
no other problems, even thru whoops it felt ok...