Torx size on kick starter bolt?


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Anyone know what size Torx head is used on the '11 EC200? I know it's not a T40 as that's the only size I currently

My guess is probably T30, but there's also T25 and T27 and I don't feel like buying a whole set to remove the bolt so I can replace it with a normal head :D
I wouldn't fart around with buying torx I lost mine and just used a standard metric bolt with an 8mm head with the built in flared washer. If you don't have one use a washer and a little blue loctite and your good to go!
I have a whole set of torx bits. They weren't expensive and have come in useful so many times they've paid for themselves already. As for the bolt, I run a 10mm bolt with a spring washer behind it. Snugs up and keeps itself where it needs to be without having to worry about the loctite.
I wouldn't fart around with buying torx I lost mine and just used a standard metric bolt with an 8mm head with the built in flared washer. If you don't have one use a washer and a little blue loctite and your good to go!

That's what I'm planning to do...but I have to get the original bolt out in order to do that...LOL.

Jakobi - just trying to avoid spending $30 on a set when I can get a single bit for $4 ;)