Rotate the ring gear a rivet or two on the stator, as the crank typically stops in the same position each time, therefore the starter usually engages in the same place every time. It might work well enough to help you bridge to the replacement ring gear.
I rotated the ring 1/3 turn and it's working good, thanks for your suggestion. I'm going to try and resist using the button but it's there!
I seem to be cursed with starting my bike lately.
Last week, my bendix started failing again, and took out a few teeth on my new ring gear, and yesterday I snapped another kick start shaft.
I have the shaft out, and at a local welding shop. He figures he can zip it up with some unichrome. Have to order a couple more smu5009s and hope my two damaged ring gears can carry me through the season. Frustrating issues with an otherwise awesome bike.
Yeah its a little harsh. I have a pair of 5009s on the way, and got my welded kicker shaft back. The issue again, will be acquiring a ring gear.Wow, that sucks!!! My 5009 is still working like a champ.
I bought a 2014 ec300ER a week ago, brand new. Starter failed within three days. Kickstarter is made of butter so that's scrapmetal now also.
I replaced my bendix, which was completely stuck, with another one available everywhere: 82612R
What you have to do to make it fit is remove the clip (ring) from the shaft to remove everything but the upper gear, cup and shaft. The upper gear on this bendix is thicker and thus the shaft is longer, you cannot use that.
Put everything you removed on the original bendix shaft en put the original clip/ring back in the groove.
Make sure the clip is all the way in the groove so the bottom cup fits on the ring also. it has a small groove that fits around the clip. that way you ensure that it is low enough so the bottom sprocket wil grip the flywheel sprocket.
I put the two original small washers in at the bottom and the top of the shaft.
This is a winner, start every time! no sounds of teeth kicking in, just normal starter sounds. And as long as i press the button it keeps turning the engine.