What are the differences between Air Strikers I and II?

Please describe how you adjusted the float height on the AS2. Why was the stock height a problem and what benefit did you see with less bowl volume? Did the carb run out of fuel at sustained WOT?
I was going to ask the same thing. DATA. Give us your data.
Shallower bowl designe lends itself, from the end users perspective , easier to access internals, cant speak for the engineers at Keihin's reasons. To high a float level for enduro, not street use has been a common problem with all gasgas carbs past and present and if looking as to the reason for atrocious fuel economy, it's the first place to look. You can adjust the revised float just like you would the earlyier versions by way of a tab. It became apparent right away that the 16 mm settings on the old carb was going to be a no go thats how I realised there was a float bowl redesigne. My float height setting of 8 mm is abritrary, 6-6.5 mm is Keihin spec to the best of my knowledge or you can use parallel seam on float body to carb body flange method. If it in my case it starves for fuel at sustained wot I will go back and adjust accordingly.
Just bend the friggin tab! I was out for two hours today bike ran perfect no starvation even on extreme grades, ,no pissing of fuel at high lean angles, rider not so good, send beer quick! PS no pics , carb is good enough and staying buttoned up till temp goes way up.Bike managed an inspired fourth gear power wheely with pickup truck load full of Native Americans taking exeption to territorial ingress.
I haven't picked my 2011 300 up yet so I don't even know what size carb it has on it yet, but it sounds like the possibility of a 36 or a 38. I guess I could call the dealer and have him check. I've had pretty good success getting bikes jetted over the years, but I'm certainly no James Dean on it. Hopefully not a stupid question, but shouldn't a 300 come with a 38mm? I guess that may depend on what its intended use is, but I'm curious.
I think it's a supply issue from Keihin. I'm sure they, Keihin dialed back or even stopped production of the two stroke carb after the big four stoped or limited production of two stroke bikes to concentrate on the fcr and fi.
Could be, but I wouldn't think less demand would affect Keihin's ability to make a run of one size carb or the other if an order came through, as they have the tooling already. Seems strange they'd send some with one size and others different.
My ASI it is very critical on how vertical you can get the carb. The throttle cable will get very tight the closer you get to vertical due to the tight fit under tank. Depending on how well I did with the many times I've taken it appart and put it together. The differnece from spilling fuel with the slightest tilt of the bike and it barely dripping is probably a few degrees. Always critical with these ASI or ASII, some KTM's Ive ownedhave ASII's but if yours is one degree off it could dump fuel with float height being just fine.
My ASI it is very critical on how vertical you can get the carb. The throttle cable will get very tight the closer you get to vertical due to the tight fit under tank. Depending on how well I did with the many times I've taken it appart and put it together. The differnece from spilling fuel with the slightest tilt of the bike and it barely dripping is probably a few degrees. Always critical with these ASI or ASII, some KTM's Ive ownedhave ASII's but if yours is one degree off it could dump fuel with float height being just fine.

i stripped and cleaned my carb last night and noticed a few things that could do with improvement.

Firstly there is no way of knowing what position the carb should be in, normally on other bikes i have owned there is a notch in the boot that lines up with a nib on the carb, but none on the GG - so i just lined the seam on the boot up with the screw at the center of the carb

I also noticed that the boot is a bit warped, it was impossible for me to get the boot to fit properly around the carb
My ASI it is very critical on how vertical you can get the carb. The throttle cable will get very tight the closer you get to vertical due to the tight fit under tank. Depending on how well I did with the many times I've taken it appart and put it together. The differnece from spilling fuel with the slightest tilt of the bike and it barely dripping is probably a few degrees. Always critical with these ASI or ASII, some KTM's Ive ownedhave ASII's but if yours is one degree off it could dump fuel with float height being just fine.

Could this be the answer to our excess fuel usage? I'll find out soon. I was careful to get the carb as vertical as possible when I had it off to lean it up some more.

Our weather is getting significantly warmer. What was OK at 30 degrees F is making the plug black at 45. The bike still seems to be strong across the powerband though.
Digging this back up.

My 2011 sixdays 300 has a 36mm carb . Was anything ever resolved about some having 38's (as the spec sheet says) and some having 36's ?
I wonder if the six day bikes have 36's and the xc and race versions have the 38's just a thought. But what will the nambotin have? Or the cervantes replica?:confused:
I wonder if the six day bikes have 36's and the xc and race versions have the 38's just a thought. But what will the nambotin have? Or the cervantes replica?:confused:

Better to not try to over-think this. Some have 36s, some have 38s. You don't know until you open the crate and look inside. That said, all of the 2011 bikes I've checked have had 38s with handlebar mounted choke actuation.
I wonder if the six day bikes have 36's and the xc and race versions have the 38's just a thought. But what will the nambotin have? Or the cervantes replica?:confused:

Nope , there is no rhyme or reason to it . Me & jeff both have six days one has a 36mm one has a 38 both have handlebar chokes.