What Jets 04 300ec uk ....


New member
Hi people , im in the uk runing a 2004 300ec. It starts on the button and seems quick enough picks up great with no bogging ect ect.

The problem is the idle is all over the place so i was thinking what jets and setting turns out ect ect are u guys running in the uk .....

thanks in advance ;)
first thing that's allways advised is to set your squish.
without it will be very hard to get a stable idle...but not impossibe to get it somewhat ok :rolleyes:

check the jetting database, there's plenty of guys from the UK with an ec 300 from wich you can take over their jettings.

ciao, Hannes.
Ive turned over my reeds added a 42 pilot jet 2nd clip on main needle 7 slide and 2 turns out seems to be idling now .....
have a look what's the setting now, PJ,MJ and NEEDLE...
needle will determine everything on your bike how she rides...
hardly any gassers ride good with original needle... makes the world of difference.

good luck!
