The more I browse around the site the clearer the picture.The bike is heavy,but stable and feels planted.I can live with the trade off.Probably tough also.I'm not a big ktm fan for that reason.
What I'm getting is that the bikes mostly weigh the same,or rough there abouts.The 300 I get.I dig em they are their own animal.But for me its not the daily driver.
So if the 200 and the 250 weigh the same,share all parts within model and year.Aside from the barrel and crank?
Why the 200?
What I'm getting is that the bikes mostly weigh the same,or rough there abouts.The 300 I get.I dig em they are their own animal.But for me its not the daily driver.
So if the 200 and the 250 weigh the same,share all parts within model and year.Aside from the barrel and crank?
Why the 200?
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