Are you looking at storing the bike for the winter?
If I was storing my bike for the winter. I would give the bike a super good cleaning, remove all plastic and airbox give it a good once over and slap it back together. I would drain the gas out of the tank and carb. Give it a good coat of WD-40 on chain and any bare metal spots to prevent rust. I would remove the airfilter, put in a clean un-oiled unit to keep oil from settling on the bottom. Then I would drain the p/v and clean. Remove the left side flywheel cover and make sure it is dry to help combat rust. Bleed any air out of the forks. Put it on a stand so both tires are off the ground. Throw on a cover and wait for the thaw.
Hope that helps...
The winter is our time to ride, I lay me bike up over the summer, due to heat and dust.