WTB big tank for 01 EC/XC.


New member
WTB: Big tank for 01 XC. Don't care about brand, as long as it's not one of those funky ones like IMS made for Kawis in the early 2000s that stuck out above the perimiter frame. My knees were trashed in 10 minutes with that tank. I think some early 2000s Kawi aftermarket tanks will fit GGs, anyone know which ones? My 96-97 Clarke ALMOST fit. I probably could have hammered it down in the frame, or heated the tank and shoved it in, but also my bike is red with a clear tank, the Kawi IMS is green. Pretty ugly unless I wear a Santa suit. I guess that means I'd need a clear, red, or black tank if it's from an older Kawi.

I'd trade a KTM RFS tank, would fit any KTM 4t from 98-about 04? No shrouds or petcock, bikes gone. Came off an 02 520 EXC, or will sell for 100+shipping, trade for??? Stock KTM tank, don't remember the size, the 520 would go about 50 race miles on it, 400 and 450 about 60.
I have an IMS large tank that is listed as a gasgas tankfor 98 to 00'. It is black has a cap and no petcock. I can take a picture tomorrow morning when I get off duty. $25 plus shipping if your interested?
Spoken for. I looked at the IMS site at pics. Pretty sure the only dif is the shroud setup, and I ziptie mine anyway. On purpose. I don't even use the screws. I once had a limb tear away a shroud, pulling out the brass/copper/whatever insert in a tank, caused a crack, and started leaking fuel. I not only like to finish a ride, but I prefer my crotch skin the way it is. It weren't the way it were after gettin gas all over. I didn't wimp out like Scott Summers when his dry break failed and ride straight into a lake with a super tricked out XR 628 HRC bike that poor Fred must have spent a zillion hours perfecting, losing a race I was leading at the time.

I was far from leading my race but my dumb @$$, (and dumb crotch), suffered through and finished. I ain't as fast as Scott Summers but I am way more stupid! And got the crotch scars to prove it! (Just kidding, it didn't really leave scars. No, you can't look).

But not as stupid as before, cause I zip tie my shrouds with small ties so they can break away by design, so shroud setup won't matter. I'm fairly certain they didn't change the frame, so it should fit. For 25 and shipping, I'll take a chance and re-donate it if it don't fit. If it don't fit I'll donate it to this website and pay the shipping. Or maybe not? Maybe I'll heat it with a torch and melt it until it does fit. Or just cut my frame and re-weld it. No, can't do that, I never welded that funky GG frame steel, what is it, Chrome Vanadium? Where does a redneck get them thar kinda welding rods? Heck, its too purty to cut on anyway.

Pm me an address, check will be in the mail asap. My PM is on the way, and thanks for the quick response and cheap price. I'm doing a dual sport next month, I bet I'll be the only 2 stroke on the street, and probably the only GG at the whole shebang, so I don't want to run out of gas and embarrass all you GG guys. When I embarrass you I want it to be a legitimate crash or something, not running out of gas with a little tank.

Hey Fred, you gonna be at Social Hill Sunday? I'll be there on the DRZ puttin around. Got to put swingarm bearings in the GG. Waiting on parts. Any easy tricks to do that job? I always took the swingarm off and took it to a mechanic since I had no press. Any way to do it myself?

Whaddaya mean, "Gaston will be all over that"? You trying to say I'm cheap or somthin? You'd be right, but you don't have to tell everyone. My wittle peelins is hurt now.
Welding the frame is not the issue it's when the heat destroy's the nickel plating that sucks. Leaves that funky bare rainbow colored metal, which is cool on pipes or the entire frame but not in random weld spots. I had to reweld the side stand mount and relocate the ig. coil to the right side of the frame.

Funny how these parts go from one member to the other, I bought this tank from Gasser two summers ago.
Anway send me your address and I will get this boxed up and give you a quote for everything?
Yeah, I worried about ever welding the pretty frame, and also worried about getting the right rods or flux wire. Gotta learn somehow though. I also welded, (re-welded) my kickstand carrier after a previous owner didn't get it welded good, and it didn't hold from my weld or whoever tried to do it before me. I suspect the carrier/tab is a different type steel than the frame, probably one of those things you need to know what you're doing before starting. I think I'll throw out a post about the welding in the general forum when I get a chance. Probably just a matter of getting the right rods.