WTB Scotts Damper Post


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I'm looking for a post/tower for a scotts steering damper that will fit a 2011.

Thanks Dan
'11 B frame has smaller neck dia., same as some KTMs so more options. The Fastway collars/posts are very nice, modular, and likely available.
That is correct, '12 frame and pre-'10 are the same at 62mm, '10/'11 B frames 57mm.
Fastway makes one for a KTM that will fit a '10/'11 GG, they just don't know it. I saw a '12 300 at a race with a Fastway tower, so either it was a modified part or one for another bike fits as well. They are not to eagar to help, by measuring, looking up dimmensions, etc.
I'm doing a standard over the bars mount.

Fastway says the don't make them for a GG. I'm going to get one of thier adjustable handlebar mounts.

818 248-6747 is the number at Scott's they'll get the right stuff the first time. Always been very helpful to me
Problem is the Scotts/BRP posts are weak, I've bent two and broken one. I run my own design post now, off my '07, but I'd like a good replacement and don't have the time to fab and weld another one.