'05 fse450 starting problems


New member
I neglected my bike and let her sit for several weeks without use and the battery died (not on tender). I replaced the battery, but now nothing happens when I turn on the ignition switch. The battery is fine and the starter cranks well, but the efi will not activate. The pump doesn't prime as before. I have checked the connections and can't find the culprit. Any suggestions would be helpfull.
Thanks for the reply. I have checked all the fuses I could find including the one behind the headlight and all 4 behind the right side cover. They all appear to be fine, but I've not yet tried replacing them anyway.
Your fuel pump relay might be the problem. If the lights do not come on when you turn ignition on, then the relay is next to check. Try interchanging the two relays located behind the right side panel. One is fuel pump(and lights) relay, and the other is for the fan
I had this same problem and it ended up being a direct short in my ECU. It would blow the 3 amp fuse under the seat. After 750 dollars later and 3 months it is now working.
I hadn't started my 05 in a couple of weeks and when I tried Saturday it turned over but wouldn't start. I couldn't hear the fuel pump when I turned the key.

After checking all the fuses and relays I put the kick starter back on and kicked through a couple of times and then it started with the e button.

The internal gear on my kick starter is bad and won't even turn over the engine anymore so I was hoping to get the fuel pump to prime with the kick starter. I don't know if that did it or not but it did start after that.
How did it go, slow2learn? Found the problem?

My '05 FSe did an odd thing yesterday. After running it hard for an hour, I loaded into my hauler and went home. It sat in the truck a couple of hours and cooled down. when I unloaded it and hit the e-button to get it up the driveway into the garage it just wouldn't start. Fuel pump was priming, starter turned very good.

Tried the button in short burst for a minute or so, then gave up and pushed the bike up into the garage. Did a few more tries, still dead. Also tried to cycle the ignition on and off a couple of times, no luck. Turned off ignition and took the key out, and also pulled up the stering lock key which had fallen down beside the instrument and the horn. It is attached to the ignition key with a piece of nylon rope. Now I inserted the ignition key, turned it on and the bike fires right up at the touch of the e-button.

Could the steering lock key have shortened the unconnected stop button harness?
Weird. And when it started it did not at all appear to be flooded, which would be normal after so many starting attempts if there were no spark.(unless the ECU turns of both spark and injector at the touch of the stop button..)

[edit] it turns out my bike does not have the stop button wiring (as it says in the wiring diagram). I hate intermittent problems.
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Fuel Pump Relay

Your fuel pump relay might be the problem. If the lights do not come on when you turn ignition on, then the relay is next to check. Try interchanging the two relays located behind the right side panel. One is fuel pump(and lights) relay, and the other is for the fan

I chased a problem like that for a while, finally took Nick's advice and found a NAPA store (not that common here) to get the replacement relays he listed in a post here. It still took quite a while to start this spring after sitting 5 months but otherwise has been reliable since the replacement. Took more searching than I expected, the relays are NAPA #AR-614


I would highly recomend having the bike "live" on a battery tender whenever not in use, I don't always have that option (only two bikes fit into the garage - the others "rest" in a tent between rides) but it certainly starts (and I think runs) better when "coddled"
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I have the Napa relays also. The stock one's are not sealed well and break down. Also, my '05 fse wouldn't start rcently and it ended up being my spark plug. Put a new one in and it fired right up.
I got the relay but never had to install it. Once I went back to a regular gas vent hose instead of the Gas Tank Vent Valve the fuel pump fired every time.

Well I thought the Gas Tank Vent Valve was the problem but made not.

Last Monday while on the Colorado 500 I had several instances when the fuel pump wouldn't prime. Always after I stopped the engine for a few minutes while waiting on the group to catch up. My trick of pushing down on the kick starter always got it to prime, the internal gear is bad so it wasn't turning over the engine, then I could start it with the button.

Monday evening I installed a regular hose for the gas tank vent and I rode Tuesday thru Friday another 450 + miles and it started fine every time. Even immediately after washing the bike on Friday afternoon.

So yesterday I washed the bike and decided to start it, no fuel pump priming. I tried my new NAPA relay replacing each relay one at a time then turning the key, no priming.

I did install a Clarke 2.9 gal fuel tank before the ride...

I'll check the other fuses sometime this week.
How did You fix the ECU short? I have the same problem starting. I had a 3amp fuse blown also. I am not getting any fire to the plug. Checked all the fuses and still no fire to the plug. Any ideas???
Try unplugging the key switch and use a jumper wire. I've had the switch go fubar from water.
Still having problems.

The key switch tested OK. Fuel pump relay OK.

The bike has a mind of it's own. After not being able to get the bike started for months it's started fine twice in the last week. Today I rode some, stopped and started it a couple of times then tried to start it again later and the same problem I've been having reoccurs.

When I turn the key nothing happens, no fuel pump priming, no lights.
It never stops running, just doesn't restart.

The only change I made before this started was to retape the wires that plug into the ECU. Previous to my ownership someone had cut back the sheath around the wires, so I just taped back up. No damage to the wires that I detected.