The issues with the '12 we had were numerous. Some had to do with the re-design. Some were workmanship.
The workmanship fom what I can tell is a notch higher then the 11's. And it would seem the redesign aspect is superior as well with the ergo's feeling better then the 11. The plastic subframe I am not sure what I think, but it would be nice to get some more specific details. Thanks. I hope my 12 is better then and 11 and I hope I do not regret my choice. In the event I have troubles that are not my fault I will jump ship. If the bike proves to be reliable I am certain I will enjoy it.
Jan's bike was started a half-hour before a national holiday and completed on the next Wednesday
I think you'll find the '12 superior in design, and careful set-up on your part will allow it to reach and maintain its potential. Figure out how you're going to keep the seat bolt in. Mount some radiator guards and secure the lower shrouds to them, or better yet buy some '13 lower shrouds. Make sure you retain the battery box, or fab up a system like Glenn's. Split some gas line and isolate the airboot from the subframe. Tighten your spokes after the first ride. Mix up some more gas and go ride!
If you run into issues chances are they have already been identified and solved on this forum. It won't take long and the only Husky you'll own cuts either wood or grass.
Its a real confidence inspiring bike IMO. Steering AND stability with not much compromise.
Anyone have pics and a report on the battery in the seat setup on the 13's? Wondering if its worth changing it over so i could have the quick release seat setup instead of this plastic secured nut which is slowly getting worse and will spin soon!!
first post on the forum.
got a chance of a good deal on a new EC300 (non racing) one is a 12 and one a 13
?600 difference-- please advise before wednesday as going to to the deal on thursday----help![]()
Where are you located? Are you talking a 600 euro/pound/dollar difference? Are both bikes non-Racing (meaning Sachs/Sachs or Marzocchi 45/Sachs)?
Do you have 13 frame guards in stock yet????
I would think with the $500.00 added to the 12 incentives, you should be saving more like $1,400!!!!!!!! NOT $600!!!!! If it is only $600 I would say grab a 13!!! I bought a 12 over a 13 and saved $900 which paid for gas and motel hand guards, chain and sprocket and tires and grips and brake pads. Sounds like a bit, but with all the small revisions on the 13 I probably would have been better off getting a 13. If it is truly only $600 I would not even think about it!! If it is $1,400 like it should be, that is a pretty big discount!! And could be used for all sorts of stuff. Talk to your dealer there is $500 more for sure on rebates on the 12, so that would put you at $1,100 which is still pretty good. The seat can be changed pretty easy and the frame guards I am sure will be real cheap and the shrouds would not take much either. In this economy $1,100 is A LOT. Sounds like I may have to worry about a crappy tank on my 12 which does nothing but irritate me. If I DNF because of a faulty tank that will be it. Back ON HUSKY! How the heck do I get warrenty on a bike I bought that sits till spring! 13 has NO tank issues. I guess toss a coin! One thing is for certain to me. And 11 feels BARBARIC when I jump on the 12! Man I have not got to ride hardly at all, but the ergos are SWEET! Good luck on your purchase!!