Two stage trip today - Leg 1 consisted of 42k's, mostly tight techy 2nd gear single with some snotty techy hills thrown in for good measure. The bike went upside down once or twice (re-tweaking my subframe and smashing the brand new overpriced POS gas gas light switch!

Riding there and the bike is filthy rich off the bottom, it was almost the same as riding a cold engine it was that blubbery

Refused to idle at all, then the battery died so no e-start all day

:roll eyes:
When it eventually cleared up, and it took a long long time to do so, it was ok, though pretty underpowered up top, bit lean on the main.
Filled up at lunch stop - 5.8l used for 42k's!
At lunch out came the NEDJ and in went the NECK#3. Also upped the main to a 170. Started riding back home, lasted about 5 k's and out came the #8 slide. Still super blubbery off the bottom, even using an NECK needle with a 38p.
Now using 38p, NECK#3 AS 0.75 out, 170m, rode the rest of the way home. Still slightly blubbery off the bottom at very small throttle openings, but starts clearing up very quickly and by the time it's at 1/4 throttle its pretty nice.
The top end is back, nice and strong, pulls hard and will bring the front up in 3rd and 4th rolling on the power.
Still a bit fat off the bottom, the rich to lean hesitation is back, though not as bad as what it was with the J needle. I may drop the needle to clip 2, that should just about sort it.
Fuel use was 3.8l for 34k's. The first 5k's was using the #8 slide, but shouldn't skew results that much.
Still not great, dropping the needle a clip better improve fuel use a hell of a lot.
Was riding at sea level, 28 deg C day, 40% humidity.