OK, tired of biting my lip.
#1. There is no recall on the clutch washer as it isn't a safety issue, it was a tech bulletin on the first shipment of enduro bikes that the clutch nut washer/tab may not fit tightly to hold the nut in place. It has only been %5 of the models so not an issue and has been resolved with production since August.
#2. The tech bulletin on the estart issue has been issued over 3 weeks ago from extensive testing in Europe and in the USA by our staff and some dealers all at the same time frame. It wasn't because certain members on here alerted GasGas. Tech Bulletins and proper research take time to insure the correct fix. When any brand issues tech bulletins, or recalls it isn't from one person having an issue and WHAM the factory sends out notifications. This process takes time. Not all machines are having the hiccup and %80 of those that have the issue, a simple modification to the ground resolves the issue. For those, like one members comments here, as of last night the dealership hasn't done the final modification yet, so it is completely inaccurate to say there is no fix and or jump to these conclusions!
GasGas of old would have looked the other way or not done any tech bulletin on either issue. We are not THAT company and do our best to be ahead of any issue, but proper consumer procedure and correct repair from our side takes time and especially takes getting the machine into the dealers hands so we can work with them properly.