2018 choke


New member
Has anybody modified the choke on a 2018? Some dirt got in between the lever and where it seats and was causing issues. Wondering what my options are
Replace cable choke with typical plunger type choke.

I actually enjoyed the cable choke but had to delete it due to the Lectron swap.
Current model YZ250 does the trick, but any from the same family of Keihin carbs will work.

14mm open ender, take out the old one, drop in the new one.
My OEM choke has been a frustration since I got the bike. I had to return the lever all the way forward with my finger any time the lever was moved. Super frustrating a handful of times when shrubs grabbed it while I was boon docking around deadfalls from our recent heavy wind storms.

I went to take it off and put a standard plunger type on and was halfway through the process today when I realized I was missing a proper bushing to use my Magura clutch bolt from a 2018 Husky and I didn't have time to make one toda.

In the process of reinstalling the OEM choke lever I realize it was installed wrong from uncrating. When I put it back on it is spring loaded and goes back to the closed position when you release your finger.

I think I'm going to try it like that for a while and see if I can live with it now. Before it was very frustrating to me when I'd have to manually close it.
1/2 your luck. I have a 2017 carb on my oldie which has the cable but nothing to connect to. I only use it once a day but pulling the end of a cable, whilst easy looks a little naff and I long for a lever like my mates have.

Grass is always greener huh?:D