Another jetting issue(imagine that)

Glad you are enjoying the bike. It is a great bike for our NW terrain.

I miss it already!
Thank you sir...I just got in from another wet run, in the hamster wheel(Belfair). I have yet to review the video(Somehow I managed to fall off 3 or 4 times, negotiating a 1st gear section of trail, while practicing my slo-mo turning. Great bike...VERY happy:D:D:D:D
I can shut door on this one. For my style & preference, I ended up...
40:1 mix ratio
40 pilot
Notched #7 slide
180 main
JD Red needle #2 position
The only thing I actually purchased, was the pilot jet(3.97). We rode away from the staging area at daylight & I gave her a thorough, albeat wet workout. She pulls hard from off-idle, all the way through the main jet. The needle was my big hurdle. Now I can concentrate on keeping her sunnyside up. I really appreciate everyone who's chimed in with advice and/or tech info, as it made this experience quite painless. Thank You!!!