Average age of GG riders!!

How old are you?

  • Under 30

    Votes: 109 16.4%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 173 26.0%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 212 31.8%
  • 50-60

    Votes: 141 21.2%
  • 60+

    Votes: 31 4.7%

  • Total voters
Feeling my age at 44.

Wife accused me of having a second childhood, cheeky mare!

So I said I can't be having a second childhood, as I haven't finished my first one yet ;)
soon to be 36 this year,feel in pretty good shape, no extra weight to lug around. love the good beer in Belgium especially HOEGAARDEN,it's a white beer.
i allways claim that that's what keeps me fit and good lookin' thrue the years, instead of drinking "shite" beer...
been riding since i was 12 ,starting with mopeds (does that count :o ) and from 18 on,allways had road bikes and a few supermotards in between like husqvarna 610 ,suz DRZ kitted 440cc, and husaberg fs 550,loved that one!!
i do ride vespa GTS 250 too for commuting.
and now ec 300 ('00 and not such good shape) and just recently got a pretty 2001 ec 200 that runs and allmost looks like new.
still have to test it good and setup suspension (all stock).

i feel like with the youngest guys out here, most of you guys are over 40 (i know,i'm not that far off)
too bad most of you guys live across the globe...don't know any other gasser riders in the area.
plus there are NO possibilities to ride in my part of the country,gouvernment won't allow :mad:
need to ride illegal tracks (MTB) when it's not too crowed,no other option but that or take the bike on a trailer and ride for 2-3hrs to get to a special enduro-track and still have to pay, so by the time i get there, it's fairly pricey :(

anyway, allready got alot of info here on the forum,cheers for that!!

ciao, Hannes.
started at 16. on a 50cc, put a bore kit in it to 80cc, started laning ever since then, went to a dt 125 at 17, passed my test and now on a ec 250 at 17.
& love it round a track/through lanes!
Average age

53 Years old now. 1st bike; Sears 2.5 hp rigid mini bike.I got it for cristmas after much begging and promising.It snowed 2.5 feet christmas eve,so I sat on and looked at that bike in the garage for 1.5 months untill enough snow was gone to ride it (pure torture).I still dont know where my dirtbike obsession started. No one I knew rode or had a bike then. In fact, my first motorcyle ride was on the back of a family friends streetbike at about 8 years old with a very conservative rider, yet I remember beign scared to death- still the bike obsession flourished. Next bike; binelli 65cc "real" mc with clutch, 4 speed, swing arm and telescopic forks WOW ! The rest is a 43 year whirlwind of approx 50 dirtbikes : MX, enduro, hs, trials. Riding, racing, friends, memories and good times, injury, recovery, trimph, and failure, good and bad results, a splendid journey. As I read everyones stories I start to wonder why this is so firmly rooted in us. For me the answer is that as I finished preping my new (to me)
2008 GG EC250 for this Sundays hare scramble last night, I realized that the feeling I had looking at my bike now is the same one 9 yr old me had waiting for my first ride on my sears 2.5... Excitement, admiration for the engeneering of the machine, pride in knowing (thinking?) that the machine has been prepared, set up, and maintained meticuliously. Thank god my parents relented and got me that mini bike, it has given me direction, identity, goals and sense of resposibility and purpose that took me from boyhood to today and has no doubt made me a better man.I owe all this to my father who trusted me enough to get me that first bike, thanks dad.
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Nice post. Very inspirational. She's more than just my bike; she's my friend :D The amount of time spent in the shed cleaning, maintaining, prepping, admiring, only to ride it and then do it all again. I call it a hobby but its honestly more of an obsession.
Started riding at 7. I am 45 now and riding my 1st Gas Gas. LOVE IT!!!
40th year

39, not too long to 40.
Got my first bike when I was 7 shared it with my brother. a rm 100 big wheel. I could not touch the floor so my day had to sit on the back until I was moving. Raced MX for a long time after that. Stopped racing when the family broke down and sold my last dirt bike in about 1992. Substituted it for meany years with road bikes (did nto like that too much) and MTB (I do love this), but now finally owned up to the fact I can't do with out one any more. So me and my brother have been out again and are now looking round for bikes.
56......act like 18 according to wife (married 32 years). Been riding since mini bikes at 14. Not really good but seldom crash.....never on my CR 250 (had it 2.5 years, part of the trade for the 450 ), never on my KX 125 and only 3 times on my XR250 in 16 years, and not yet on my 300 in 5k miles. Ran into a tree I forgot about on the 450.....a stupid thing. Had been riding around it for weeks. Was paying attention to the ravine and forgot it was across the path. I love our GG's.
I hope my body lasts a little while longer, I'm not near ready to stop riding.
I just turned 68 I've been riding for 56 years have had a bunch of bikes through the years way to many to list.

I hit 47 this past summer, my brain still thinks I'm early 20's ... my body does not share this opinion!

I love riding, it's my addiction and hope to be doing it for another 30yrs! :cool:
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I am 52.
Have owned and ridden bikes since I was 13-14, but when I got my motorcycle driver's license at 16, I went out on the roads. Started out touring, and later moved towards tracks and trackdays. Didn't start with offroad bikes until a few (less than 10) years ago when my kids started riding MX bikes. Then I bought a '00 RM125 that we all used for MX practice. Later, my sons bought their own MX bikes, and my daughter and myself shared the RM. Now, both my sons (23 and 29) have EC300s (a '08Racing and a '09 SixDays) while I have an '06 EC200. The RM is still with us, my daughter (25) still rides it occationally.
Just bought mine after riding a few things off road, decided I wanted the best I could get for my money, so bought a 2002 EC300, and I am 24...saw sense at an early age
I turned 63 last month. Been riding street bikes since I was 17 but didn't get into riding dirt bikes 'till I was 54. I just didn't know anyone who rode dirt back then. I can't think of anything more fun or challenging than riding singletrack!
I am 47.. going on my third year with my 08 ec250 the best bike I have ever had .:D


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54 n Riding

I just turned 54 and I ride once a week if possible . Stopped a few times to raise a family and start a business . I am going to start to compete this year in ecea events . I have a 2005 xc200 any suggestions as to what class I should start in ? :confused:
I can see the headlines now...." a recent poll undertaken by Spanish motorcycle manufacturer, Gasgas, turned up some suprising results. It seems 80% of Gasgas owners are blind, bald and over sixty. Most of them admit to riding like idiots even though by now they should know better. Market research also reveals the most purchased aftermarket accessory is a billet machined alloy zimmer frame mount that attaches neatly to the rear mudgaurd...."

Classic!!! :) funny!!! ....and I'm 53. All the other addictions have fallen away. Now riding the only one and is my best defense against Diabetes and heart problems. I don't want to excercise but I want to ride.. and I might want to excercise so I can ride better..and get healthier. That over 50 class is a very competitive class. .. It's the third or fourth quarter after all. ..not a kid anymore even though I feel like it and act like it.. in the trails anyway. Aug 15, 2011 my best friend and cousin passed away. I had given him the 300ec gasgas that I have back right now about 7 or 8 months before. He was super happy with the bike and I was thrilled to have my brother in the trails laughing and enjoying the greatest sport. We rode Aug 14, 2011 at our riding park out at Kahuku and had a blast . The next day he said he didn't feel good and would stay home. He passed away in bed from cardiac problems. Tracy Paiva.. He was 47. Gotta appreciate it. There's no guaranty. I know a bunch of you have similar stories. Sorry I didn't want to make it heavy. but I guess my just being in this forum is related since I got the bike back. Just have to be happy that we're out there.

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46yo, I started riding (unbeknownst to my parents who forbade me) at 12 when a couple of friends got bikes (Honda XR70 & Yamaha GT80), my parents found out a few months before I turned 14. For my 14th B-day my day handed me the classified section of the paper (if you are under 30 and don't know what that is ... just ask your parents!), and said, find a dirtbike that you like with a price that I like.

I ended up getting a Hodaka Combat Wambat 125 a week later and I never looked back. Traveled the whole gambit from MX-HS-Road Racing back to HS & Enduro.

In 2009, I had the opportunity to join a team (chase crew/chief mechanic) to run the Sportsman class for the 2010 Baja 1000. A few days before leaving for Baja, I was given the opportunity to become the 5th rider as well! What a dream come true, until a crash on a "pre run" 2 days before the start, in which I broke several ribs 10 miles into a 40 mile run. Although, I was able to finish the run it was obvious that night I was out for riding and assumed my duties as mechanic and driver of on of the chase vehicles. What a blast it was!!!

I currently have a 2001 GG 250XC, I loved it soo much that I sold the 2000 KTM 300MXC that I had been riding. I do miss the grunt of the 300 but I don't like the "ride on top of a building" feel that the KTM's have (all my major crashes have been aboard a KTM- the 300 & 450rfs in Baja!) and I find that my GG has that "low in the saddle feel", very similar to the 94 YZ 250 (after revalve) that I rode before the KTM. I don't know if it is due to the factory or my suspension guy (Hyperformance Cycles) who had already set it up with the previous owner. I have only ridden one other GG, an 03 300 and it felt nearly the same to me.

Anyway, I am currently re-habbing from ACL recon surgery (MXing my XC) and looking to find a nice e-start bike, hopefully I won't have to resort to a PDS bike!

Bikes currently in the garage:
1982 Husky 430XC (for sale/trade)
1994 YZ 250
2001 GasGas 250XC
2003 CRF 150(daughter's)
2007 110 pit bike (my toy and son's ride)
2000 Kawasaki ZRX 1100 (for sale/trade)

My other addiction ......
1965 Fairlane 500 Sport Coupe
1966 Datsun SPL311 (1600)
1967.5 Datsun SRL311 (2000-#321)

Get well and take care of that knee. I sure wish I was close to you. I had a 82 husky 430xc and might have taken that off your hands.. I have a great memory of that bike and all the racing I did with it and I learned how to ride without brakes with it too!!!
I guess this is like voting 4 times, I'm 55, I've been riding a 2007 200 for years, My son is 22 and has a 2011 XC250, My brother is 50 and rides an 08 300 and my son in law is 25 and rides a 2011 300 Six Days. When we go harescramble racing everybody knows the gasser boys are there.