Average age of GG riders!!

How old are you?

  • Under 30

    Votes: 110 16.5%
  • 30-40

    Votes: 173 25.9%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 212 31.8%
  • 50-60

    Votes: 141 21.1%
  • 60+

    Votes: 31 4.6%

  • Total voters
Age 29..... Been riding 2 years, started on a katoom 200, hated it, then tried to make a CR125 work for H&H, hated that also. Then moved on to a 2006 EC250 (factory edition) LOVED IT, thought it was the mutts until I got my 2013 EC250 last October, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! just entered the welsh 2 day as well! Wish me luck!

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Age 29..... Been riding 2 years, started on a katoom 200, hated it, then tried to make a CR125 work for H&H, hated that also. Then moved on to a 2006 EC250 (factory edition) LOVED IT, thought it was the mutts until I got my 2013 EC250 last October, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! just entered the welsh 2 day as well! Wish me luck!

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best of luck is that a 2 day enduro.. how many hours riding?
Just turned 40 march 2nd been riding since I was six my first bike yz60, 2 nd yz 80, 3rd cr125, 4th kx500 a lot of power and finally just picked up a 01 gg 250ec I love this bike.
22 turning 23 in a few months been riding as long as I can remember started riding on a 70's z50 when I was 4 or 5 then moved to an 80s z50 to a 82 xr80, 97 xr200, 84 Kdx 200, 01 drz400, then a couple years ago went to buy a used ec300 that sold while I was leaving to look at it so then I found a newer ec300 that was a demo at a dealer drove 5 hours to go look at it and they sold it before I got there then they gave me a really good deal on a left over husky wr300 and now I finally got my gas gas last week a 08 christini gas gas :D
First bike 1966 Maico 400. Riding dirt for 48 years and have the broken bones to prove it. I have an 05 300 ec and wondered how the hell I rode some of the crap in the past, having a blast on my gasser.
44 years old, riding off and on for 36 years. first bike 1980 YZ60 (yes a screamin little 2 stroke). Last week and weekend rode Moab area with some buds and was able to ride the EC300 longer, harder than I could previously on my 4T's. Rode the Sovereign system, White Wash sand dunes, Mary's trail, Enduro Loop, BFE, Kane Creek, Slickrock, etc. Came home yesterday, and not sore at all today. What I'm sayin' is I ain't exactly young anymore, and the gasser made me look good, didn't wear me out, and conquered everything I pointed it at. I am impressed all over again. BRING IT (KTM's slogan is "ready to race". GasGas' slogan should be "BRING IT")
22%er 51 started at 6 with a toad goat then in 73 honda xr 75 fresh off the dealer floor in so cal still have it and it still runs just like my GG 300 07 glad i got introduced to them in 04 been the best bike i have ever owned and there were quite a few in between.:D
I turned 61 last December.
Started riding at 9, when I got to ride my friends Cushman Eagle (which I promptly crashed into the side of his house). Next was a "catalog classic" mini bike, also the same year.
I got my first motorcycle, a Cushman Highlander, at age 10. I had a part time job and paid half of the $300 price tag. My parents paid the other half.
Traded it in on a 1965 Harley M-65 Sport (Italian 2-stroke Harle), which I kept riding off-road.
Traded that one in on a '68 Yamaha Trailmaster 100 (YL2CM). It didn't have much travel, but would climb a tree. This is the bike I was powersliding around a gravel curve when I hit that 1600# Charoleis bull.
Long story and lots of bikes later, including over 100K street miles, I now primarily ride a one year old 2011 EC250. I love it. It's my 10th Gasser.

My grandkids get a CRF50 with training wheels and full gear for their 3rd birthday. I'm growing my own riding buddies.
I turned 61 last December.

My grandkids get a CRF50 with training wheels and full gear for their 3rd birthday. I'm growing my own riding buddies.

That's simply awesome Jim - gives me hope that I'll still be ripping around in the dirt when I hit that mark (be 43 this summer). One of the buddies I ride with is 60 and he leaves me in the dust every time we hit a trail...kind of irritating actually...LOL.

And good on you for bringing your grand kids into it :cool: An option you might want to think about for their bike - the Oset 12.5" (electric trials bike). We picked up one of these for our oldest (when he was 3 - he'll be 5 in June) and he's been doing great on it ever since. No worry about burns from exhaust, it's easy to pick up, and he can literally ride it anywhere - parks, etc. Here's a short clip of him riding around the area we camped a few weeks ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4QN2zS3i94

Reading your post is just plain cool.
That's simply awesome Jim - gives me hope that I'll still be ripping around in the dirt when I hit that mark (be 43 this summer). One of the buddies I ride with is 60 and he leaves me in the dust every time we hit a trail...kind of irritating actually...LOL.

And good on you for bringing your grand kids into it :cool: An option you might want to think about for their bike - the Oset 12.5" (electric trials bike). We picked up one of these for our oldest (when he was 3 - he'll be 5 in June) and he's been doing great on it ever since. No worry about burns from exhaust, it's easy to pick up, and he can literally ride it anywhere - parks, etc. Here's a short clip of him riding around the area we camped a few weeks ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4QN2zS3i94

Reading your post is just plain cool.

That's a nice little bike, and it's a cool video. The seat height is so short that it's got to be great for the little ones.

My system has been going on for over 11 years, so I'm invested in the equipment already. This is the third child that the oldest XR50 has carried.
Here's a short video of of the second rider who has now graduated to be the second rider of a CRF70, and her little sister on one of the other XR50s. (Her 3 year old sister is on the original family XR50 (her cousin's, who is now 14 and rides a 2000 XC200 in the mountains with me).


In the "grandkid fleet", we have a 2001 XC250, a 2000 XC200 (lowered 2"), two XR/CRF100, an XR80, XR70, and four XR/CRF50. (My wife's TTR125LE also gets riden quite a bit by the older grandaughters who don'thave their own bikes. I move them up as they grow.
My daughter has a XR100 and the three sons who still ride have a '99 EC250, a '00 XC250, and a '99 EC200. (the EC200 Dick Burleson rode for the Feb '99 test in "Dirt Rider" magazine. The reason Dick kept talking about how loud it was, was because it had a MC silencer on it for the test. A friend down here has the XC250 that was riden in that test article. )

I've only got one grandkid left who is not yet on a bike, but he's ready. I think he may not have to wait until his 3rd birthday. This was taken a year ago. The boy's got it, bad.

Good Riding to You!

In the "grandkid fleet", we have a 2001 XC250, a 2000 XC200 (lowered 2"), two XR/CRF100, an XR80, XR70, and four XR/CRF50. (My wife's TTR125LE also gets riden quite a bit by the older grandaughters who don'thave their own bikes. I move them up as they grow.
My daughter has a XR100 and the three sons who still ride have a '99 EC250, a '00 XC250, and a '99 EC200.[/url]

Yep...just plain cool.

You should copyright "Grandkid Fleet" - everyone should be as lucky to have such a good set of GPs. That's what I envision as our boys grow.

Good on you Jim :cool:
Yep...just plain cool.

You should copyright "Grandkid Fleet" - everyone should be as lucky to have such a good set of GPs. That's what I envision as our boys grow.

Good on you Jim :cool:

Thank you.
The time is well spent.

Will be 35 in May. Got my first bike at age 8. It was a 1971 SL70 rode the wheels off that thing. Then I had a ATC 200 with no suspension that I rode for a long time. Then when I was 13 I saved up and bought a 1978 IT 400! That's right a 400 2 stroke at 13. It's a wonder I am still alive. Lol

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53 , I like the smoothness of my 300.
Kind of like I like my liquor, as long as I don't over do it ,all is well!!