Baseline jetting help 08 ec300


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Baseline jetting help 08 ec200

My buddy just bought a 08 ec200. I couldn't even get it started without running the air screw all the way out. The needle is N "can't make it out" HW. The 50 pilot ain't helping. The slide is an 8. I'm a fairly decent 2 smoker tuner. But have never seen this needle. And it's in the 4 position.
The bike also has ltr PV cover, thanks inadvance
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Guessing it has the older AS1 Carb. Start over with the basics.

Set the float level
Use a known needle that will put you in the ballpark
Start rich and adjust back

Remember that its using a #8 slide which is quite lean for a 200. You may consider running a thicker diameter and pilot than other specs.
(reply based on 200cc)
that is a lean slide. most seem to prefer the 6.5.
mine came with a #6 and I switched to a #7, but haven't gotten it dialed in yet.
I ran an 07 200 for a few years.
I was running the NBHW needle you probably have, on the 3rd clip pos, a 175 main and that fat 50 pilot. At 40:1 with Elf 2XT tech.

Note, I'm in NZ and not very cold, not very high up.
I'm thinking I'm gonna stick a Jd blue in there. Clip 3, 40 pilot 172 main. See how that works out.

I haven't checked the jets yet but my buddy told me the pilot is a 50. It's so rich on idle now it will barely start.

I have a box of needles collected over the years. I suppose I could just drop the pilot to a 45 and see what happens.
I'm running a CCL in an 07 & around a 48 or 45 depending.(in NZ)

Read some of the head mod threads, it really does help clear up bottom end running.