Clutch... Brake fluid?


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I want to use my AJP cylinder and lever as a left hand rear brake. I'd like to switch out the mineral oil for Brake fluid.

Question: Where do I get the proper seals for the cylinder (I don't know whether to call it a master or slave at this point) to use DOT 4 brake fluid?
Thank you!

I also learned that if you use DOT 5 Silicone brake fluid, it will not attack the seals for mineral oil. What you must do with this is fully flush all the old fluids out, then reflush after a couple of uses to insure there is no fouling of the contents.

I love the internet, most questions answered.
Needed a current model for ISDE just in case I need a part. Nothing wrong with the 3 hunny, it just made sense. Besides, over a long long race, the 250 is less tiring.

'08 EC 250, Rekluse, going to try the left hand rear brake. Updates to come.
Get the older clutch master rebuild kit (pre '05 I think, pre '04 I'm sure), when the clutches used DOT3 or 4. Don't forget the rubber piece under the master cyl cap.

What I have heard works really well is to use a master cyl from an ATV, which was designed for brake use.
anyone know if the 16x18 radial masters will work ? they are dirt cheap on ebay (brembo knockoffs), i've not done the math to see if they will be too big cylinder for clutch master cylinder use...