CMRA/Cumberland Info?


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I am considering making a trip to CMRA/Cumberland and I was wondering what the trails are like. Is it anything like Highland Park or Hatfield McCoy?
When I rode there about 4 years ago there was 2-3 flowing single track trails on top of the mountain that were a lot of fun. Seems like one was 11 miles long and the longer trail about 21 miles long. There was also several trails that went down the mountain and connected to two track dirt roads at the bottom that had numerous shallow creek crossings. Dirt is very good with little clay content in most places. Trails going up/down the mountain are usually rocky and some are steep and technical. It seems they've added more trails since I rode there.
I rode there last summer and had a great time. There were 3 main trail loops that were single track only. Each of the 3 trails were about 30 miles in length. Trail 1&2 were fun and fast with not a lot of challenge. Trail 3 is the hardest offering up some pretty good challenges. They also claim to have another 100 miles of unmarked trail but I wouldn't venture off too far unless you have a GPS of some sort since the property is 17,000 acres! Definitely worth the trip.

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We rode CMRA one week day as part of our spring break dirtbike trip. It was not crowded and we loved the dirt bike only policy! It had three nice loops and a majority of single track with some larger "easy out" trails.

We blew 15 minutes finding the entrance that is not well posted. I suppose I understand limiting the signage to not draw lots of attention. Note to any first time riders of CMRA, the entrance is a little less than 4 miles from the Circle E Ranch, not 4 to 5 miles as posted on the website.

While CMRA advertises to have 17000 acres we are not sure where the boundaries were. We ran into "area closed" signs in many places. The management of CMRA really needs to provide a trail map for download or even something as simple as a sign people could photo with their phones. While they are at it, they could update the website to show the mileage to the entrance within a tenth of a mile and provide GPS coordinates.
Is this place for full season members only or do they have day passes or something similar? I looked on their site and only saw full season membership applications. thanks!
Is this place for full season members only or do they have day passes or something similar? I looked on their site and only saw full season membership applications. thanks!

They have day passes. I believe they are $25.

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You may want to look into joining MTDR (middle tennessee dirt riders). i Think it's only $35 a year and they usually do at least 2 CMRA rides a year that are free for members. They also do a week long ride(over labor day) at 3 creeks in western Kentucky where riding and camping is free. IMO the best reason to join MTDR is the 2day ride at Gates place about 45 miles west of Bowling Green, KY. Riding and camping at Gates is also free for members and the riding is awesome. His ride is in mid spring.
When I rode there about 4 years ago there was 2-3 flowing single track trails on top of the mountain that were a lot of fun. Seems like one was 11 miles long and the longer trail about 21 miles long. There was also several trails that went down the mountain and connected to two track dirt roads at the bottom that had numerous shallow creek crossings. Dirt is very good with little clay content in most places. Trails going up/down the mountain are usually rocky and some are steep and technical. It seems they've added more trails since I rode there.

That looks very nice.:D:D:D:D
Thanks gasser. I'll check it out. I'm in nc. 20 min from brushy mtn.

Since you're relatively close there is an excellent ride coming up Halloween weekend in central Kentucky at Greensburg. It will be a 2 or 3 day ride put on by CMA (Christian motorcycle assoc.) The loop has some really fun and flowing single track, free food on Saturday, free camping, free riding, and you don't have to be a member of anything. Donations are accepted to show some appreciation to the land owner. Date is not set in stone yet but I'll try to post more details when they come available. This ride is definitely worth the trip. Excellent family fun with a grass track for the little ones, natural mx track for the fast ones, and a large pond for the ones who like to fish.
Since you're relatively close there is an excellent ride coming up Halloween weekend in central Kentucky at Greensburg. It will be a 2 or 3 day ride put on by CMA (Christian motorcycle assoc.) The loop has some really fun and flowing single track, free food on Saturday, free camping, free riding, and you don't have to be a member of anything. Donations are accepted to show some appreciation to the land owner. Date is not set in stone yet but I'll try to post more details when they come available. This ride is definitely worth the trip. Excellent family fun with a grass track for the little ones, natural mx track for the fast ones, and a large pond for the ones who like to fish.

Sounds like a great event. Please do post updated info as you get it.
