Good luck with the seals. Hope that fixes it.
I just read thru all six pages of this and I didn't see where anyone answered your question about compression... Maybe i missed it.
I just did a compression test (prelude to rebuild) on my MC 250 with 3 yr. old piston, rings, lunched right main, very questionable big and little end bearings and I got 150 psi without oil, 165 with some WD 40 shot in there. I've seen GMP comment that he is in the +190psi range so seems like your compression is pretty low to me. Of course as Stainless mentioned there's always that nagging doubt about accuracy of compresion testers, mine included...
One thing I noticed on mine was that the bushing that runs inside the right main seal had a wear groove in it. (at least I'm pretty sure it's a wear groove, but this is the first time I've been in there and I have not seen a new bushing so not absolutely sure....) I overlooked that when ordering parts and put back the old bushing but I'm having second thoughts... At 46 bucks kinda spendy but beats eating up another main seal. Also note which way the bevel on that bushing faces upon disassembly...
And having just been in there I can confirm that you could replace the right seal thru right cover. Heck you can even do it without draining the oil if you lay the bike on it's left side. Just don't lay it on the shift lever or it will push the shift shaft thru and possibly disengage the shift ratchet.
Oh yeah, and I've been reading up on static timing and in your stator pic that plate on the 2 o-clock bolt is the locator plate that indexes the stock timing so I believe your timing is "stock" for that ignition.
I just read thru all six pages of this and I didn't see where anyone answered your question about compression... Maybe i missed it.
I just did a compression test (prelude to rebuild) on my MC 250 with 3 yr. old piston, rings, lunched right main, very questionable big and little end bearings and I got 150 psi without oil, 165 with some WD 40 shot in there. I've seen GMP comment that he is in the +190psi range so seems like your compression is pretty low to me. Of course as Stainless mentioned there's always that nagging doubt about accuracy of compresion testers, mine included...
One thing I noticed on mine was that the bushing that runs inside the right main seal had a wear groove in it. (at least I'm pretty sure it's a wear groove, but this is the first time I've been in there and I have not seen a new bushing so not absolutely sure....) I overlooked that when ordering parts and put back the old bushing but I'm having second thoughts... At 46 bucks kinda spendy but beats eating up another main seal. Also note which way the bevel on that bushing faces upon disassembly...

And having just been in there I can confirm that you could replace the right seal thru right cover. Heck you can even do it without draining the oil if you lay the bike on it's left side. Just don't lay it on the shift lever or it will push the shift shaft thru and possibly disengage the shift ratchet.
Oh yeah, and I've been reading up on static timing and in your stator pic that plate on the 2 o-clock bolt is the locator plate that indexes the stock timing so I believe your timing is "stock" for that ignition.