Factory Needle/Jet Setting EC250

latest update,

N3EW #2
PJ 42
MJ 178
AS 2.5

This is my best result so far,
Idle is good, still can't get it too idle without idle screw being in alot
0-1/8 still has the same issue (missing/notchy/jumpy are the best words to descibe it)
1/8-1/4 close to 100%
1/4-1/2 spot on
WOT is good until revs get really high, so i am not sure if I am hitting redline

Seems to feel better under load eg; 1/8 throttle in 3rd isn't smooth but then open to 1/4 or 1/2 and its great, I can feel the band come on smooth and it sounds awesome.

Do you know what number slide is in it? You'll always have some burbling at light throttle too. If you lean things out to get rid of all the burble under light throttle it will be too lean to produce good torque when under load. Have a play with the air screw and see which way produces best effect at 1/8th and feel how it effects the power. Seems you're pretty close! FWW my bikes liked the 42 pilot and J diameter (N3EJ) or 40 and W diameter (N3EW), but this is using a 2010 model and a PWK ASII. I'm located Far North Qld.. Hot and humid, with a few hundred meters of elevation.
Do you know what number slide is in it? You'll always have some burbling at light throttle too. If you lean things out to get rid of all the burble under light throttle it will be too lean to produce good torque when under load. Have a play with the air screw and see which way produces best effect at 1/8th and feel how it effects the power. Seems you're pretty close! FWW my bikes liked the 42 pilot and J diameter (N3EJ) or 40 and W diameter (N3EW), but this is using a 2010 model and a PWK ASII. I'm located Far North Qld.. Hot and humid, with a few hundred meters of elevation.

It's a #7 Slide.
Adelaide, as you know, is usually dry. We are getting alot of rain at the moment so RH is up. Day time temps are around 15'C. I am at sea level which makes me wonder why I can't run it any richer.
Anyway I will stick with this setting and move the air screw.

Is the N3EJ richer than the N3EW?
N3EJ is leaner, but only on the needle diameter of the straight section (at 0 -1/4). The needle diameter, pilot, and slide are all working together here, which is why it tends to be a bit finicky. Change one and it will affect the others too.

Work with the AS and you'll get there :)
N3EJ is leaner, but only on the needle diameter of the straight section (at 0 -1/4). The needle diameter, pilot, and slide are all working together here, which is why it tends to be a bit finicky. Change one and it will affect the others too.

Work with the AS and you'll get there :)

I have gone to the #1 clip and A/S 2.5

I rode it around the yard, it had good throttle response 0-1/8
I tried it with the A/S at 1 just to feel the difference, it was harder to ride, and didn't want to idle.

I will be sticking with this set up and test riding it next weekend in the bush.

I might experiment with the other needles I have NEDW and NECW just to find out how they go.

Thanks for all the advice, I neally gave up on it but with a little guidance I think I have done it!

Thats a pretty lean setup you've ended up with (I have run that lean and leaner in the past). Just be mindful of the engine and any symptoms it may present. Its possible to go lean enough down low to clean things up and then fall too lean in the mid range. Lack of power, flat throttle response, engine noises/pinging, spitting coolant or running hot, high engine temps are all signs you've gone too far. Riding around the yard is a little different to smashing it out in the bush too. Generally much less load on the engine in the yard.

N3CW is a half a clip leaner, or as I said previously you can run a leaner diameter to just change the 0-1/4 (biggest difference at 1/8th) without leaning out the rest of the throttle range.

When my bike was stock I found it prefered the leaner clip positions, but as I brought the squish in and raised the compression it needed more fuel to make good power.
I went for a good ride today, bike went ok but still have some issues with different throttle positions. Mainly 1/2 to 3/4, still have that missing problem. WOT is good once the revs get up high.

When the bike is on the side stand with the fuel tap open the carby leaks fuel out quite badly from one of the drain tubes. A mate of mine who was with me said it could be the float height.
Thats why you have had to jet it so lean if its overflowing. You need to confirm the float height again, but more likely is that a float is damaged and sticking, or the viton tip valve that lets fuel flow in has perished and isn't sealing correctly which will also cause overflow issues. You should be able to tip the bike 45 degrees to either side before having the carb overflow.
Thats why you have had to jet it so lean if its overflowing. You need to confirm the float height again, but more likely is that a float is damaged and sticking, or the viton tip valve that lets fuel flow in has perished and isn't sealing correctly which will also cause overflow issues. You should be able to tip the bike 45 degrees to either side before having the carb overflow.

Between the N3EW and N3EF needles which one in leaner?
N3EW vs N3EF

Same needle taper profile. The difference is in the straight section/needle diameter (0-1/8th throttle approx). The W is significantly leaner here.
I have just put a N3EG needle middle clip,in with a 38 pilot, 178 main, a/s at 1.75, and this is perfect for me. i played around with a NEDW but found it to soft off the bottom.
this is on my 09 250r, which also has the screw top AS I carb...
in vico.
I have just put a N3EG needle middle clip,in with a 38 pilot, 178 main, a/s at 1.75, and this is perfect for me. i played around with a NEDW but found it to soft off the bottom.
this is on my 09 250r, which also has the screw top AS I carb...
in vico.

I took the bike into the shop cos I needed it checked out after I tried heaps of different settings, they repacked the silencer and checked the PV, which was all good.
They also changed the jetting including the needle (with out asking me) this is the setting they put in

N3EF #3
MJ 175
PJ 40

I will take it out for good ride tomorrow.
I took the bike into the shop cos I needed it checked out after I tried heaps of different settings, they repacked the silencer and checked the PV, which was all good.
They also changed the jetting including the needle (with out asking me) this is the setting they put in

N3EF #3
MJ 175
PJ 40

I will take it out for good ride tomorrow.

The bike ran really bad with this set up, needle is too rich.

I changed to the NECW #3 and made a big difference. Runs alot better now, got good power but still has some things to be ironed out

Current set up
MJ 175
PJ 40
A/S 2.5

Its just a bit confusing how lean I have to run this bike considering I am at sea level. I still think it needs to be slightly leaner, maybe 38 pilot.

Anyway today was great, best time I have had on it


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Its not that lean, and my bike was always a bit of a lean freak too. In general I think being in Australia there seems to consistantly be a bit different to the states too. Must be the difference in fuels.
Its not that lean, and my bike was always a bit of a lean freak too. In general I think being in Australia there seems to consistantly be a bit different to the states too. Must be the difference in fuels.

This is the best result so far

170 MJ
38 PJ
A/S 2.5

Really nice crisp power off the bottom, mid range good, top end not 100% I have a feeling I could go to a 168 MJ which i will try after the next ride

No signs of running lean yet.
Hi tim,
i would be a little careful about following what others are using in different countrys too, lots of different fuels, this will change jetting alot.
you have plenty of needles to play with to get your bike going well, follow the process as described by jakobi, (thanks for that by the way, cleared a few questions in my head.) and you will work out what is best for your bike...
and if you want, for comparison, as im just over in central victoria, riding similar altitudes, temps and weather, and fuel...
09 250r (with the older scew top carb)
40pj although im going to try a 42 yet.
NEDW 2nd clip
178 main
7 slide.
air screw is at the moment on about 1 turn but i keep playing with it and hence my wish to try a 42pj..
i cant say its perfect, but its bloody close...

dont worry about your cdi or anything yet, try your jetting first...
good luck.

hey there, I know its been a long time since this post but I was just going over the messages about jetting and saw your comment about the cdi, well after about 30 different jet/needle set ups and many rides later the bike finally died. It turned out that it needed a new stator and CDI from the begining!