Fitting a TrailTech Vapour..on CC Model


New member
Hi All

I am in the process of fitting a trail tech vapour to my CC 200. Where do I find power to run the computer? There is a switch to power the low beam, two yellow wires and one grey. (My bike does not come with indicators and switchgear etc)


What year model is you 200 and what is the CC designation you posted? Should that be MC, XC or EC?????

Anyway, at the top of this section you will find a "stickie" that shows you how to get the manuals for any of the GG's. In the user manual you will find a schematic of the electrical system for your bike.
Take power where it's available all the time when bike is running. Lights maybe. Does your bike have rearlight? If so brakelight circuit is one option.
Hi All

I am in the process of fitting a trail tech vapour to my CC 200. Where do I find power to run the computer? There is a switch to power the low beam, two yellow wires and one grey. (My bike does not come with indicators and switchgear etc)


Is it a US spec bike? If so the power cable for the computer is right there - a little two pin I think.
Is it a US spec bike? If so the power cable for the computer is right there - a little two pin I think.


there is a small two pin connector with one red and one black wire....plug your Vapor into that....

For the Tach...its a single blue wire on the bike side

to mount the speed sensor goes through the tapped hole in the front caliper mount bracket.....and you should have been provided in the kit a small magnet that goes in the front rotor and a c clip to retain it....

you need to input your units and wheel size...and your good to go