My front wheel runs WAY too close to the RH fork (left as seen from the front).
I've taken it all apart and checked it against the parts diagram and logically and it's all 'correct'.
So, what has changed ?
It can only be that I changed the wheel bearings...
If the RH bearing wasn't seated (sitting proud) that would HELP, i.e. push the wheel towards the centre.
Has anyone seen this before ?
What about the DISTANCIADOR RUEDA DEL.17.2MM INT / FRONT WHEEL SPACER BEP250218019 ? part 11 on page 3 of the parts book.
(this is inside the wheel, between the bearings).
I remember when I changed the bearings that this is non-symetrical, but there didn't seem any obvious reason to put it in one way or the other.
I guess I must have got this the wrong way round.
Shame I'll trash at least one of the new bearings getting it out...
I've taken it all apart and checked it against the parts diagram and logically and it's all 'correct'.
So, what has changed ?
It can only be that I changed the wheel bearings...
If the RH bearing wasn't seated (sitting proud) that would HELP, i.e. push the wheel towards the centre.
Has anyone seen this before ?
What about the DISTANCIADOR RUEDA DEL.17.2MM INT / FRONT WHEEL SPACER BEP250218019 ? part 11 on page 3 of the parts book.
(this is inside the wheel, between the bearings).
I remember when I changed the bearings that this is non-symetrical, but there didn't seem any obvious reason to put it in one way or the other.
I guess I must have got this the wrong way round.
Shame I'll trash at least one of the new bearings getting it out...