FSR515 engine warm up feature?


New member
Hey guys new here and to Gassers, just got a fsr515 with a cracked cylinder and leaking head gasket. Rebuilt the entire top end with OEM parts and it runs a dream, real happy with it. Anyway when I brought it I was told it had a warm up feature so that you could not use the clutch until the engine is warm.

So I have perfect clutch control when the engine is off, I then start it and the lever goes loose and does nothing, I let it warm up and after quite some time it reaches around about 88C and the clutch then comes into life, I will then take off and the airflow cools the engine a bit and I don't have a clutch again until it gets back to operating temp and then it is fine but I can't stop until then.

Anyway, maybe I am searching the wrong thing but I can't find any info on this at all. I was wondering if it can be adjusted or disables, and if anyone could tell me how it works? I am a diesel mechanic so you don't have to put it into to laymen terms lol.
I know right. so has no one else ever heard of this before, or am I missing something that could cause this to happen, the master cylinder is weaping a tiny bit and ill re seal it or something soon but cant see it being a problem.
I recommend pulling the clutch apart and measuring the plates. It almost sounds like you have warped plates that change shape depending on temperature. Or your fibers are worn out and require thinner oil to function. Or you have a heavily notched basket. Quite the pickle.

Anyway, pop everything apart and see how it measures to spec and go from there.
yeah sort of thought something like that but it will work cold before the engine starts, but as soon as it fires up it goes loose.
Something not quite right there. I'd be pulling the clutch and inspecting things.

So just checking.
Engine cold and off - clutch works (pushing bike in gear)
Engine cold and running - no clutch until a certain temp
Engine warm, running and moving - no clutch
Engine hot, running and moving - clutch

What happens at any point if you kill the bike and try to use the clutch? Ie warm and not working, then back to warm and off?

Have you confirmed the fluid level and/or what viscosity?
Allright well it gets a bit confusing here. It works
cold and engine off but not when running.
once hot works fine.
Then if I stop the engine and let it cool to say 70C and start it again it still works fine.

I have flushed and bleed the fluid while doing the rebuild aswell. Wasn't sure howhere to bleed it so I just did it at the banjo on the engine. It feels the same as before I bled it though.