Homeade PV cover mod?

You can buy as many jets as you want. GMP has said in another thread that the slide is important. You should be able to work with a #7 easy enough. The magic is in the needle as this covers probably 75% of your throttle movement. A needle that is too rich for the purpose will always be too rich even with a pilot small enough to cause bogging off the bottom. You really need to know what you have before you can know where to go.
But I didn't know where to start. I guess I am being lazy and not wanting to pull the carb, find what is in it, put it back together, then do it all over again on the trail.

rom the left side you should be able to loosen camps, rotate carb top towards the kickstarter, pull 17mm drain plug and use a screwdriver/6mm driver to pull jets. I did that on my '06 & '04 both