Persistence has paid off, finally.
Using Jakes 38mm ASII carb and with a fresh top end I did a 2 day ride totalling 200k's with the following jetting specs:
42p AS 7/8to
Weather was perfect all weekend between 15 - 20 degrees and 60-75% humidity. Elevation from 300 - 700m asl.
This ride has everything in it, tar road transport sections, fire trails, twin trails, single trail and a little bit of goat track thrown in for good measure.
Day 1 consisted of 110klms of all of the above, probably 50k's of 2nd and 3rd gear single and the remaining 50k's being 4th/5th/6th WOT fire/twin trail. Jetting was brilliant pretty much everywhere. Would lug right down without stalling and crawl up most hills in 2nd. Nice and punchy through the middle, perhaps a bit rich up top as the power definitely fell away once past 3/4 throttle.
Day 2 was 90k's of 90% fire trail and twin trail.
Fuel use on both days was brilliant - approx 10l on day 1 for 110k's and approx 6.5l on day 2 for 90k's.
I like this 38mm carb now, reckon Jake will notice if I send my 36mm oval bore back to him instead of his 38mm? haha