New member
From what I hear, more states are going to do what they did here in NJ, have a separrate list of bikes that are homologated for road use. I suppose the goal is a standardized system.It does not matter what the registration says or does not say. Mass may still be good, but for how long?
What I would do, in the case of a bike like the EFI 'Berg with no kickstarter, is add a small battery for the EFI only and split/isolate the charging ckt. That way, if you run down the main battery, you could always bump start the bike. In practice, if you keep the bike on a tender you should have no problems, unless there is a design issue with starter capacity in cold weather. KTMs (RFS) seem to have a problem when its cold from what I've seen at late fall events, but my Cannondale fired in 10deg F after sitting a week.
Im told you can still bump the berg with a flat battery. Which is good, but after spending that sort of money, I'd hope I would'nt have to