Jetting and spark plug experts please help

How did the testing go?

It went well. As suggested I put the 178 main in and also changed my oil ratio to 45:1.

I put an old oiled up plug in and rode it in a mix of open sand bowls and firm packed single trails - clocked up just under 2hrs run time.

Checked the plug and it was a golden tan colour on one side of the porcelain and the other side was still pretty dark like how it looked when I put it in. No white ashy look anywhere on it so hopefully that means I'm safe.

The bike ran great, smooth pulling power the whole way through with no hesitations or splutters anywhere - felt really nice.

And I take back what I said about it not being very powerful compared to that RM250 I rode. Well it definitely doesn't feel as powerful as it - but it totally is. We had a series of drags on the beach, some from stand still, some rolling start, The bikes were dead even the whole way through on every race, not a cm between us, it was crazy. I think the RM must just feels more powerful because its so snappy and aggressive.

Starting to really like this bike now, especially because I'm not thinking it might blow up every time I ride it.

My only real complaint would be in the weight department, its very heavy compared to my previous bikes. I probably wouldn't care so much if the majority of my riding wasn't in sand.

Anyone got some good sand set up tips for this bike?