Jetting help -2011 ec300 -UK


New member
Hi all.
Im looking for some help with jetting my bike.
The bike is new to me so I am not great with jetting but get the general idea.

When I ride the bike it feels to me that it is overfuelling as it splutters and hesitate's.

Currwnt Current settings are as follows.

PJ - 38
Needle - N1EF
clip - 1st (top)
MJ - 175
A/S - 1.5 out.

The bit really confuses me is the needle, ive looked through the database and see so many different needles mentioned to try.

My current riding conditions are:
Temp: 10-15 degress C
Altitude - sea level to 1500ft

Any help much appreciated
I will have a look at the crank bearings, whats the best way to check them?

The clip is in the top posistion now so wont be ablw to drop the needle anymore

Thinking of ordering the JD Jet kit. Will it be worth it?
Search these in the jetting section and read for days.


Should turn up a few threads.
Does the bike smoke a lot at start up?
Is there play in the flywheel?
Is there play in the right hand crank pulley?

Changing the seals is easy, and rebuilding the bottom end isn't too bad. Chances are if the seals have gone there is a faulty bearing at fault. Ive changed many crank seals only to repeat the process shortly after.

Perhaps you have a breather clocked?

Try the jetting route first, but if you find yourself far from the range of other riders jetting then chances are there is something mechanical at fault.

The bike does smoke a bit at start up but aint rhat bad to be honest.

As for the play I will take the cover off and have a look to see if any play in the bearing.
Get an iridium plug in there too. Made a world of difference to my bike, and definitely got rid of all 'loading up' issues. (This is happening because the oil is fouling the plug on relaxed riding, it then arcs across as the revs increase until it reaches the self cleaning temperature)
I found the EIX plugs to be worse (when used with an overly rich needle). Smaller tip fouled up easier and took more to clear up. Magic is all in the jetting - assuming everything mechanical is correct.
I have managed to get the bike running alot better now by plauing with the Air screw, currently at 1.75 turns out.

I ordered a new needle which has just arrived, N3CJ.

What settings do you recommend try as a start with this needle.
temp is currently around 7-8 celcius,
Also have a 42PJ

Cold. 45 pilot clip 4. 180 main. Then lean it off as req. Assuming 38mm as2 carb

I will get the other PJ and MJ youve said to try.
just been out in the car and was saying 8 celcius (9pm) so prob around 10 in the day.

I think it is the 38mm as2 but will double check

Thanks for the help.
No dramas. It may be a touch rich as an initial setting, but its always easier to start rich and work back. You could start with the 178 also and be pretty safe (especially if for trail work).

I'd suggest starting clip 4, then just moving the clip up and picking which feels best. N3EJ#3 will put you in the middle if you want to fine tune.

Then adjust the airscrew for idling and off idle response. If you end up too far out, go to a richer diameter needle/pilot (or vice versa).
Thanks again.

Ive just checked the Carb and has 38 on the top so im guessing it is the 38mm as2.

I mainly do trails but would rather go on the safe side and be slighty rich than lean, very rarly go wot any way.

I will get the bigger MJ and PJ and give it a try.

Been reading the carb 101 guide on here so im sure that will help me.
Also got the JD Jet kit on route so will have more jet options soon.

Also running 50:1 with super unleaded (97 Ron).
Also what should i set the float height too. When i looked highet was very high, i didnt measure it but there was hatdly any movement in the bowls from full down (carb in upright posistion) to when the the fuel supply would be cut off. I would ha e thought there wouldnt be much fuel in in float chamber with it like this. I have adjusted it so i have a lower float height to allow more fuel in the chamber. If i tip the bike over fuel comes out the over flow around 45 degress.

I have that 16mm float height is manufacturers recommend height, but also people recommending 17mm - 18mm
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Scrap that last bit.
The spec recommended by Keihin is 6mm for the pwm carb which i belive is the 38mm Airstriker 2. 16mm would be the floats at max height.

I have now set the float height at 7-8mm as recommended on the as2 float height thread in the sticky.
Thats hood to know im on the right track.
Im yet to try out the jetting spec you recommended trying but will be doing it tomorrow.
I also have the JD jet kit so would like to try the red needle too.
The only thing is i have a 38, 40 and 42pj, but not the 45 like you recommended.

I have the 180 MJ.
I think you might find good results with the JD needles, they have a nice smooth power delivery. The tricky part for me has been off idle to 1/4 throttle. I couldn't get there on just the needle, both mine responded well with a slide change. It sure took awhile to get them right, but they run sweet once you do. Happy jetting!
Well i have been playing around with the JD jet kit.
I had the red needle on 4th clip, 40pj and 180mj.

When i pulled the plug out it was showing signs of running lean, i have now switch to the blue needle 3rd clip and hope that helps.
I havnt managed to get the bike hot with this blue needle but was quite spluttery when cold.

I would like to try the N3CJ needle but biggest pilot i have is a 42.
If the JD red was running lean in clip#4 the NEDJ is a bit leaner again (particularly in the 1st part of the throttle).