if you look at the evolution of tuna fishing poles....they used to be big/long.
the thinking was it gave more leverage to pull the fish out with.
they problem is the fish has more leverage to you also.
they shortened the poles and it is easier when fighting a fish
i think bars are the same.
yes they longer gives you more leverage to steer but rocks etc gain more leverage against you too.
but i agree with the idea for fitment above
Interesting analogy with the evolution of tuna fishing.
I'm assuming you mean live bait commercial fishing 1-3 pole.
Agree with the letterj here on most of the comments.
Definately on the right track with bar width and rubber mounting.
In the northwest a lot of us are restricted to 29" or so if you wanna avoid trees.
One added benefit to the narrower bars for me personally is compact steering,or quick steering,less effort.Less grip required.Also gives you a more compact and balanced riding position.You aren't reaching which means you use less grips.One thing I'm always reminding myself,and I forget a lot,usually when I'm beat.Is to ride the rear wheel,steer with the rear and use your lower body.We tend to grip and put way to much weight on the bar.One exercise I use to beat it into my brain and muscle memory is the elipticle machine.Most people get on one grab the cross bar lean on it and pound away.What you want to do is never touch the bar.Set your settings so you have enough resistence that forces you to align you body and use alignment,balance pace and endurance to make it tbrough a good 30 minute run.As you get stronger,lower legs and core,most important for me besides flexibilty as far as making me a better rider,you can manipulate incline and rrsistence.The idea is to create quick reactionary mustle,agility and balance.Shifting weight will be automatic,loading pegs effortless,when the bike takes a bad bounce you'll be in it and roll with it instead of sitting on it and getting spit off.
If you do that 30 minutes 3 times a week you will use far less arms,hands and wrist to get your motorcycle through the day.
I've had wrist problems for years to the point I'm outta bolt on fixes.
Copper bracelets help.Tape wrists before riding,not to tight.When everybody's dinking around at the truck get on the bike and do a quick pre ride rip.
Red rubber tubing between skid plate and frame.Quiet and well packed exhaust.The noise is fatiguing,creates stress tightens the rider up.Thin rubber grommets backed to aluminum washers strategically placed will help dampen vibration.
Noticed quite a few golfers in here.
Grip size and pressure are key elements.Same with your bars.