Need help with cold start


New member
Long story, but my 05 300 now has a 250 barrel and piston in it.

It will not kick start cold, jump start it down the driveway and it starts in half a meter.Once warm, no problem with kick starting, first kick.

Any ideas? I'm think carb problem?

Main 172
Low 40
clip 2nd from top
For what its worth I have an 02 ec300 that has the same symptoms. I have only recently "learnt" how to start it when its cold.
1) Fuel on - choke on
2) Kick over slowly -twice DON'T touch the throttle
3) Give it a good boot - still no throttle

It lives!
hope this helps (Ex Mooi River RSA)
NZ looks like there is some nice riding there by looking at my bother in laws pictures.

The cold start method - no throttle works like a charm, just have to get rid of the old habit of giving it a twist first.

I'd bet your pilot/slide/needle are on the rich side. Mine used to take a hefty boot to fire until I started leaning down the pilot (and main 1 size). It was much better, but now with the LTR needle it takes a light hearted prod to fire on the first or second kick (when cold, 1 when warm) and the choke can come off after a couple seconds. No more choke on/off fiddling while warming up.
Just from my little experience, but if it is tough to start cold, as the temp drops. I usually bump up the pilot. It is also a good idea to bump up the main if getting run hard & going from 80 degree weather to 40 degree. Actually there is a rule of thumb for every 10 degrees, but some carbs compensate better. Then go back down when the outside temp warms up. I am sure kicking it over real slow twice would help that situation out in more ways than one.
Put the bike in second gear and rock it back and forth a few times. The piston will suck a nice change of fuel into the cylinder and will start in the first or second kick. I trick I learned from a old timer!
Mine does the same thing ,but it needs top end/reeds.But even when it was fresh,before you kick it turnit on it's side 'till gas coms out of the o-flow tube,coke it and kick.Old 500cc trick!
I usually just kick my bike slowly through it's stroke 3 timeswith the choke on and no throttle and then just give it a good kick. Both my 300s will usually start on that first big kick unless the gas is old.