New Gas Gas Owner


New member
Hi All,

I'm a new Gas gas owner In Australia, returning to trail bike riding as part of my mid life crisis and because I live near some great country for it.

I was going to go a DRZ400, but found a new old stock/never started 2011 450 for an amazing price with full warranty and a dealer in my area.

When it's going it's fantastic, and gives me all I ever wanted from a trail bike and more.

It's had it's share of little niggly things:

Banging front suspension. Checked the clickers in the bottom of the forks and found them on different settings. Adjusted them both the same plus 2 clicks further out, set front tire pressure at 14PSI. All good, beautiful in fact.

Vapor dash keeps shutting down and fully resetting, new battery no change. looks like junk, I'll have to take it in I guess.

Low fuel light keeps coming on and off, even when full.

Went for an awesome ride today, great single trail stuff through all sorts of tracks with a bunch of riders and the bloody thing shut down and won't start (cranking/fuel pump working).

For the last half hour of the ride it stalled a bit when taking off, then finally stalled and won't start at all.

It looks like it's back to the dealers...

Unless any of you kind fellows would have some suggestions?

I hope it's not a lemon, it's such a cool looking and awesome trailbike.

The lads I were with today were absolutely drooling over it until it shit itself in the middle of the bush and they had to go home and bring back a trailer to retrieve it.
I would use the search function on this board, the 4Ts have had their ECM issues etc. Lots of info on here
I would use the search function on this board, the 4Ts have had their ECM issues etc. Lots of info on here

No worries, thank you.

I have searched and read the posts here fairly extensively.

It seems to mostly refer to flooding issues, and I've gone through the motions there with no result.

The plug looks pretty good to me and she was running really well until she stopped.

I've also charged the battery fully with no result either.

Didn't see much about the ECM there though...
I have a mate who owns an 09 model and had a couple hot starting issues over the year but the bike has done around 10,000kms trouble free.

Do some searching as suggested - specifically in the 4T engine section.. I can move this thread there if you like?

The trailtechs can be sensitive to water.. Keep the hose away from it! I cover mine in a snap bag before washing. Also double check the wiring behind the headlight. When you said its cranking and fuel pump is running, do you have/checked for spark? Flush the fuel tank asap if you haven't already, and run an inline filter (we all do on our 2T's and I imagine the injectors are even more sensitive to dirt). I always use fuel from the jerry can filled through a screened funnel, except when out riding then I fill straight from the bowser, and its amazing how many particles have been caught in the filter.
I have a mate who owns an 09 model and had a couple hot starting issues over the year but the bike has done around 10,000kms trouble free.

Do some searching as suggested - specifically in the 4T engine section.. I can move this thread there if you like?

The trailtechs can be sensitive to water.. Keep the hose away from it! I cover mine in a snap bag before washing. Also double check the wiring behind the headlight. When you said its cranking and fuel pump is running, do you have/checked for spark? Flush the fuel tank asap if you haven't already, and run an inline filter (we all do on our 2T's and I imagine the injectors are even more sensitive to dirt). I always use fuel from the jerry can filled through a screened funnel, except when out riding then I fill straight from the bowser, and its amazing how many particles have been caught in the filter.

Sure mate,

Move this thread if you like.

I've just been on the phone to the dealer and he was alright.

One thing we noted was that the fuel pump was "gurgling" and bubbling.

The top of it was just exposed a but, still 75% full of fuel, and when I was trying to start it there was bubbles coming out of it.

When I got home I filled it up again and no bubbles, etc but no start.

Dealers a good bloke and said that sounded like a bad fuel pump, and to bring it in.

Looks like a "new bike" fault, which hopefully will be sorted and all good after that.

Might be a bit tough to get an inline filter into it, the hose is covered with some kind of braided sheath and has a (handy) quick connect fitting in the middle.

What would be awesome would be a filter that had the same fittings (male and female) so you could just pop it in the middle of that connection.
Had exactly the same problem on my 06 450, except i had to push it up and down 5kms of rolling hills to get to the car :(

Got it home and pulled the tank, checked the fuel pump by wiring it up to a little battery - all good.

Cleaned all the electric plugs and put it back together - and what do you know? Started first pop. To this day i still don't know what it was, prob just the ecu plug coming loose under the tank.

Good luck

I took it down to our local dealer (Mud&Tar at Wauchope) and he said he's have a look.

As I was about to drive out he called me back.

The throttle body had pulled out of the rubber boot where it joins the head.

We both had a go and just couldn't push it back in, it would not go.

Then we took the boot off and turned it the other way...

It does appear the part was assembled backwards from the factory, as it all slotted together fine and is running well again.

He said he'll put in a claim on the instrument panel for when I bring it back for its first service.

He didn't charge me anything and was a nice bloke.
Glad you had a win! Do you know if that company that makes filter socks for the ktms/bergs makes them for gassers too? Thats another option.

Heres hoping you see a very many happy hours riding. My local dealer (Far North Queensland) still has a 2011 450 sitting on the floor which I could probably get for a stellar price, but mmm.. I thnk a new 250T or 200T.. even a 125, would be the next upgrade for me..
Glad you had a win! Do you know if that company that makes filter socks for the ktms/bergs makes them for gassers too? Thats another option.

Heres hoping you see a very many happy hours riding. My local dealer (Far North Queensland) still has a 2011 450 sitting on the floor which I could probably get for a stellar price, but mmm.. I thnk a new 250T or 200T.. even a 125, would be the next upgrade for me..

If you're talking about Bits for Bikes in Cairns, that's the one I've got.

And it's being nothing but a pain in the fkn arse.

There's something going on with the whole airbox and rubber either side of the throttle body, this time the airbox pulled off.

It's like it's not made to suit the throttle body, if you tighten the clamp it lust rolls of the throttle body, will not stay on period (yes it's pushed on evenly up to the stops.

The only way I can get it to sit in place is to leave the clamp quite loose, but I don't trust it.

I'm really wondering if they've used parts from a different model at the factory, maybe from the older style injection system they used to run.

Even better, while I was trying to sort this I notice a push on hose fitting On the rubber duct between the airfilter box and throttle body, just behind/below the TB) with nothing on it, sucking straight air from inside the airfilter.

Can't find any sign a a crank breather hose or anything that's meant to be on it, and at the dealers instruction I capped it off with a bit of blanked off hose.

I'm now worried the motor has ingested dust, and rightly don't trust this ride not to break down on me.

It's only done 3-4 hours and I've got all this bullshit so far, I'm thinking I've blown my dough.
Thats the one I was talking about. Been a while since I've been in there and didn't realise it sold.

It sucks that you're going through a few teething issues, but once done it'll be a rock solid donk. In regards to the airboot, double check the mounts on the subframe. You might be able to relax them off a bit and get a better connect. Also pulling the airboot and dropping it in some warm water makes it nice and soft and you can shape it as required, mount it up and then it cools into position a bit better.
Thats the one I was talking about. Been a while since I've been in there and didn't realise it sold.

It sucks that you're going through a few teething issues, but once done it'll be a rock solid donk. In regards to the airboot, double check the mounts on the subframe. You might be able to relax them off a bit and get a better connect. Also pulling the airboot and dropping it in some warm water makes it nice and soft and you can shape it as required, mount it up and then it cools into position a bit better.


It's not that it's to hard or won't push on, it's quite soft actually and will push right up the the stops on the throttle body.

When you tighten the clamp it just rolls the rubber boot off the throttle body every time, never seen one like it.

Normally you'd be struggling to pull the bloody thing off even with the clamp totally removed, I can't see how they managed to make it like that.

Then there's the matter of an open hole/unused hose tail that totally vents to outside UPSTREAM of the air filter....WTF!

With these things open and just popping off by themselves I'll be worrying about it all the time.

I know they're heavier, but I'm kicking myself for chasing this cheap/exotic option and wish I'd just bought a new WR450.

There wouldn't have been any of this bullshit.

I would have had the fuel injection and only be washing and servicing it.
Sorry to hear.. I don't have much other advise other than working with the dealer and/or confirming the part numbers. has all the user manuals and exploded parts diagrams. The airboots should have the part number stamped on it. I know I'd be pissed to be working through issues on a new bike, but I'm following other threads on other forums with people having issues with QA on new Yamahas as well. Its one of those things you get with bikes. Its just painful when its with YOUR new bike.

Probably not what you want to hear.. but shoulda bought a 2 stroke :p I think if I was going back to 4T realm it'd have to be one of those Jap models, in a 250cc capacity.
Sorry to hear.. I don't have much other advise other than working with the dealer and/or confirming the part numbers. has all the user manuals and exploded parts diagrams. The airboots should have the part number stamped on it. I know I'd be pissed to be working through issues on a new bike, but I'm following other threads on other forums with people having issues with QA on new Yamahas as well. Its one of those things you get with bikes. Its just painful when its with YOUR new bike.

Probably not what you want to hear.. but shoulda bought a 2 stroke :p I think if I was going back to 4T realm it'd have to be one of those Jap models, in a 250cc capacity.

Cheers mate,

I'd had a few beers last night and did blow it out my arse a bit.

I also rang and had a bit of a go at the importer who was silly enough to give me his card at a trade show.

Must have hit home cos the local dealers wife rang me today to get my details and arrange to bring it in.

I did take it for a hard bit of riding today and gave it quite a bit of shit (as well as falling off several times, I'm a noob) and nothing major went wrong.

It stalls quite a bit and probably needs the idle turned up a bit.

The air ducting all stayed in place and the local boys decided it was time to bust my senior citizen cherry on some tight technical trails and hills.

In the interest of being fair, I must say the bike worked well enough and is more bike than I am rider.

I am unhappy about the issues with assembly on this machine (the exhaust baffle just fell out today as well), but the local dealer has been good considering I didn't buy it from them. And that IS an issue as they generally don't get paid full rate from their suppliers for warranty work, so I feel for them there.

What is fair to say is that their assy line could pay a bit more attention to detail and putting things together properly. If I bought another I'd treat it like a Chinese ebay minibike and go over everything to check it was all tight

To be honest for what we're doing in our local area a 250 might be easier to manage...I am totally rooted after todays ride.
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Heaps of people under estimate the 250F. IMO one of the easiest bikes to go fast all day on, and will happily cater for those new to the sport and the quick blokes who like to turn the throttle. Maintenance and upkeep can get a bit busy if you work them hard, but same goes for most bikes.

The QC on the Gassers isn't quite up to standard on the big brands, but its far from chinga level too. Resale value hurts.. I've put ver 8000kms on my 2010 model.. I don't see me selling it, even when I buy a new one. At the end of the day you could say the brand is very much still an enthiuasts brand. Nothing is ever as straight forward as it would be going with the big players, however if you have the passion, enjoy nutting things out, and working on your bike as much as you enjoy riding it, you'll learn to love the gasser. If not its going to be love hate. Not saying that they are a pain in the ass, break down, fall apart, or anything.. its just when the taxes of riding a bike in the bush set in, information and advice isn't as easy to come by. This sites got some really knowledgable people. I consider it the workshop manual!
Well she's done 3 big rides without breaking down now, so hopefully my new bike teething problems are out of the way.

I do like the bike, and it seems to do all I need to do.

Speedo is still buggered, I'm just going to live with that.

One problem I am having is boiling, but I'm not losing any coolant.

I was thinking of trying that engine ice stuff, or even Toyota super long life coolant (anyone tried that?)

I've heard about the FI map being lean from the factory, but also heard that the later models (like mine) have a sensor in the head somewhere and can't be adjusted.

Can anyone help me with some tips on that?

I'd just like to sort the boiling out as it's hot at the moment and don't want to cook my motor,

It does have a thermo fan which is working and the radiators are spotless clean.
Have you checked the radiator cap? My 450 started boiling after about 3000kms, I replaced the cap and haven't had the problem since.
Have you checked the radiator cap? My 450 started boiling after about 3000kms, I replaced the cap and haven't had the problem since.

Mate I have...but don't know what I'd be looking for as it looked OK.

I checked that the rubber washer wasn't damaged, wiped the seat in the radiator with a rag and checked that the spring was "springy".

But I've got no problem with getting a new one as part of a process of elimination.

It's a 1.8 bar cap.

Any recommendations of what sort I should get?
Mate I have...but don't know what I'd be looking for as it looked OK.

I checked that the rubber washer wasn't damaged, wiped the seat in the radiator with a rag and checked that the spring was "springy".

But I've got no problem with getting a new one as part of a process of elimination.

It's a 1.8 bar cap.

Any recommendations of what sort I should get?

Mine didn't look that bad either, but I just ordered an OEM replacement, and it stopped boiling.
Sometimes you'll get a pissweak spring in a cap. It allows it to blow off sooner than you'd want..

I'd personally drop the coolant, put your own favourite mix. I'm using one of those exy premixed things thats orange in colour and haven't boiled my bike one time. But its not a big 4T either. If it still boils change the rad cap. The other thing is, if you're riding slow techy trails in the heat its just going to happen regardless. Even with the thermo fans working over time! They need airflow