Nice Gasser graphics and seat covers

Got my Blackbird graphics last week.:D
They are very high quality, they look dull because of the clear graphic protectors I installed.

The seat cover feels better because it's flat on the top. It also did not come with the grommet for the retaining bolt. The trim shop that installed the cover said they did that because there's no way to know where the hole will be until the cover is installed.


You dog;) Those look excellent but what was the damage to get them over here? They don't have anything yet for the white plastics. What is the material on the side of the seat (red)? Looks shiny/slippery.

Very nicely pimped bike gasgasman, I see some other nice stuff on it. I got my used 300 from Smiths.
The seat top is a grippy type and the sides are made of the slippery vinyl. The seat material is thicker than the stock version.

Yes, it's a 19".

The graphics kit with the seat cover was $147.
The "clear" protective decal kit was $33.
Shipping was around $34.

Prices can change with the value of the EURO.

In reality, a person could order two shroud kits and not bother with the protective decal kit.
To me, it takes away from how good the graphics look.
Just put new graphics on as they wear out.
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Well as much as I hate to admit it.......gasgasman has finally out blinged me!:eek:

The graphics and the seat cover look really good. I just might have to order the sticker kit. The seat cover would be to short for my seat.

Look out buddy you never know what I have in store for ya!;)
I would love to get the blackbird kit, but that's allot of coin for graphics.
Anyone know someone in the US that does as good as Blackbird at a better price?
I just got done installing my Blackbird graphics on my shrouds.:D Very high quality.

I will put the rear fender graphics on later.
So its actually meant to be 114.00 euros?, the comma, to me, infers that its in the thousands. ie 100,000 is one hundred thousand anything

Exactly. They use the comma instead of the decimal that we use.