Playing waiting game: GasGas future?


New member
So, I am curious if there are guys who were/are GasGas loyalists who are waiting to see how things go over the next year or two before coming back to the brand?

After owning 4 GasGas over the years are really loving all of them, I am also a reluctant consumer and cannot take risks on purchasing a bike with an unsettled future. I really love what I am seeing with Torrot and the moves they've made have been impressive, especially in their structure here in the U.S.

I bring this up for a couple of reasons.

1) there is no doubt that this site has been quite a bit slower after the bankruptcy and closure and I wonder if folks just left, or are lurking, waiting to see how things work out. Even some of the regulars on this site are pretty quiet.

2) there doesn't seem to be any new GasGas owner's on here. Are the '17's selling, or are potential GasGas owner's waiting for the new '18's?

3) with the $1000 discount, I am tempted to pull the trigger on a new GasGas. It's a monster savings compared to Beta or KTM and I know I'd be getting a solid bike. But, honestly, I'm leary. What if GasGas makes a push in the next couple of years, and it doesn't go well? I'm nervous about that! At the same time, I know it's a solid bike that I'd love and I don't see any big advantage of Beta or KTM and wonder what the new prices will be on the new GasGas.

Anyway, just wondering where other longtime GasGas guys are at?
The majority of riders don't post on forums.

Judging by all the new dealers and racers signing on, I'd the future looks bright.
Interest in the '18 bikes have been incredible.
My tapatalk threw this header at me so I thought I would check in. Bought a yz250fx when gg went bankrupt. Still have a 10 nambotin and an 11 six days that I plan to sell at some point. Loved both. Hope gg recovers.

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The majority of riders don't post on forums.

Judging by all the new dealers and racers signing on, I'd the future looks bright.
Interest in the '18 bikes have been incredible.

You may be right on riders not posting, but since the bankruptcy things definitely got much quieter here. I have to admit that I'm one that hasn't posted much as I am waiting to see what happens.

But, the growth in dealers and signing riders is a very strong signal that this is going to work and be successful.
I'm a lurker not really a poster, and since only converting late last year over to the Gassers I'm a very happy convert. My local store sold all of their 17 models pretty quickly, so I do believe there are many of us out there, just not as prevelent as other major brands. I feel the brand is on a comeback and being under new management my push them into a even better future.

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Im sure the future is bright, gas gas trials seem to be selling well the brand has not much suffered in the uk.

Gas Gas enduro has never sold well here I have seen a few 17's but I did hear in 2013 they only sold 13 gas gas enduro in the uk my bike being one of them, im not sure if thats true but it wouldn't surprise me as its rare to see the enduro bikes here.

Its new bike time and its a beta for me.
GasGas frame size grew over years and, for me (1,75m or 5.74ft tall) it became a problem....

still miss 2001 frame and engine models since it was much more happier to ride than my last model (2011)
GasGas frame size grew over years and, for me (1,75m or 5.74ft tall) it became a problem....

still miss 2001 frame and engine models since it was much more happier to ride than my last model (2011)

I have a '99 or '00 I can trade you to get out from under the '11. Lol
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If the Beta Xtrainer was out back in 2011 I would have gone that way instead of the 2011 GasGas. At this point it's not worth switching because the 2011 is working OK for me.

I am hoping to go electric on my next bike and maybe that will be Torrot/GasGas if they are the first to offer a machine with decent suspension and adequate range. All I need is an honest 60 mi (100 Km) per charge.

The Electric Motion Etrek looks interesting but only has 7" of travel. The weight is OK at 100 Kg.

I'd be happy to support GG if they meet my needs.
new Gas Gas

Thinking the same as Firfighter.
We want new bikes, and the 17 ktms seem to be
a step back in quality control. But KTM is so universal,
it's easy to find parts, dealers, and accessories, and easily sold.
I'm intrigued by the 2018 Gas Gas models, along with Beta & Sherco.
If you have any thought that you will regret not having the latest offering from GG and are willing to pay top dollar I would wait. First year of redesigned bikes have never been to kind to me. If I needed a bike, a good deal on a 17 would be a no brainer. Resale value isn't great, so most likely you'll own it for some time.
I agree with Hamilton, I am currently trying to convince my sponsor (wife) that upgrading to a 17 is the thing to do. Lots of crossover as far as spare from my 13. My local dealer has enticed me with some great out the door pricing on a race ready 17.
New model year bikes make me nervous after my experience with my 12. My 13 has been good and is a solid ride that someone will probably be able to pick up for a very good price.
Great feedback and I love the direction GasGas is heading. I see nothing but positive with the moves being made, and the sneak peaks at the '18's reveals GasGas gets it in terms of what the market demands. The KYB, lighter bike, solid e-start, are all overwhelmingly positive and directly correlate to the biggest issues in today's market offferings.

Been tempted by beta sherco and the new yzx but am tight with a dollar so I stay used but am thinking about a newer lighter bike and am waiting to see the gasser If it is what they say it will be I might actually buy a new bike I just hope they change the look but it wont be a deal breaker if they keep the prototype plastics. I most likely will buy the 18 if it comes out really lighter and well suspended. Don't like the idea of a first year bike but .....
I'm not too concerned about it being a first year bike. The motor looks to be much of the same. So no worries there. And the frame and body look very much like the Bimota and Jotagas bike photo's that have been floating around.
I'm sure GG has made a number of changes. But I doubt this is a full out new design from scratch. I have a funny feeling a lot of R&D work was done ahead of time by designers. If it was I'm more than impressed at how fast Torrot/GG scraped a prototype together.
I wouldn't take forum activity as any indication. From what I have seen across the board (of many forums I frequent; even beyond bikes) is that they are all in decline.

Social media platforms tend to get the bulk of the feeds. Pictures, ride reports, planning rides, etc. I even see just about daily questions of the same old same hold "how do I??" "which xxx is best?" and on it goes.

The other consideration is that we have nutted the gassers out to a large degree. A new member here can easily find solid, informative threads on just about all the common issues, and as such don't necessarily need to be starting new ones with questions.

When a new model rolls, no doubt there will be much more talk, updates, opinions, issues, etc which will get people more involved again (similar to what you see over the betarider at the moment).
I owned a 2010 GG 300 for 5 years - bought new. I liked the bike, but even with a respring/revalve I struggled with the Sachs suspension. QC was also pretty shoddy.

When it was time for a new bike and GG was in the toilet, I bought a 2016 Sherco 300 2t. I have no regrets with the Sherco, it is a very good motorcycle.

I'm looking for a commuter/dual sport and it will likely be a 2017 Beta 390 RR-S. The long stroke motor is very appealing to me. Also, it's road legal out of the box which is also a huge selling feature.

GG looks like it is going in the right direction, and I'd consider buying one again, but not before they update the 2t engine. Looks like that may be coming in 2019. See the Enduro 21 interview with Mika Arpa - page 70:
I owned a 2010 GG 300 for 5 years - bought new. I liked the bike, but even with a respring/revalve I struggled with the Sachs suspension. QC was also pretty shoddy.

When it was time for a new bike and GG was in the toilet, I bought a 2016 Sherco 300 2t. I have no regrets with the Sherco, it is a very good motorcycle.

I'm looking for a commuter/dual sport and it will likely be a 2017 Beta 390 RR-S. The long stroke motor is very appealing to me. Also, it's road legal out of the box which is also a huge selling feature.

GG looks like it is going in the right direction, and I'd consider buying one again, but not before they update the 2t engine. Looks like that may be coming in 2019. See the Enduro 21 interview with Mika Arpa - page 70:

Same here, that being said I'd buy another GG trials bike tomorrow. They do a very good job already with those.
I have owned all of the Japanese bikes at one time or another, and a couple KTM's, and 1 Gas Gas.

I dunno they are all kinda the same, each has their pros and cons. Probably would of bought another GG, but the timing is off...don't want a '17 and can't wait for an '18.

So going to give Beta a go for a couple years. Looked at the Shercos, but no back up kicker was a deal killer. My KTM 505 was kick only and had a couple freak battery failures with it. Had battery terminal shear off...but that is when Lith-ion batteries were kinda new...looked like some dude built it in his garage.

Will keep an eye on GG though and see where they go.
I really want to add a 300 to the stable but I'm going to wait for the 18's. I really dig the Beta and Sherco but my GG has been very good to me. In all honesty any of these new dirt bikes are way better then I'll ever be so it don't bother me if I don't have the best (spec sheet) bike.

In regards to them failing. I'm not to worried about it. I got my GG right before the bankruptcy. These bikes are so simple and there's plenty of aftermarket engine parts/gaskets out there. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is how your bike makes you feel when your out riding or even just staring at it.