Power Valve Re-Assembly


New member
Could someone post a pic of the power valve installed in a cylinder looking down the barrel (off the bike w/o piston) or a pic of it looking up into the exhaust port? I installed the pv with the curved/rounded edge facing upward towards the head. I am questioning this now. Is it possible to install upside down?

I re-assembled everything and the piston moves up and down without contacting the power valve but I am wondering if I put the powervalve in upside down (if this is even possible). The actuator plate is up against the stop when it is at rest, and I know I shouldn't try to rotate it by hand but I did a little bit and it rotates freely but the point on the actuator plate seems to point to 12 o clock and then it won't go any further. Is this normal it seems to be only rotating about 45 degrees or so?

Thanks in advance for the help.
PV resting in the closed position!




PV open


Sounds like you've managed to get it in backwards/upside down.
Thanks. I think my post was a bit confusing and I probably have it in right. The only think that was making me wonder was the limited rotation and movement of the PV.
disconnect the arm and then roll the plate. It should move from where its at rest in my pic up until the other pic contacts the other side of the stop bolt. If you remove that bolt you should be able to cycle a full 360 degrees around and around and backwards too.
I just did a top end on my EC 250 yesterday. The power valve can only be assembled 1 way. The flap can not even be placed in the cylinder upside down,let alone assembled, so you should be good.

It seems that going down to just the green base gasket makes the bike run a fair bit stronger and adds some hit.
Thanks for all the help. The pics were awesome.

For the record it is entirely possible to have it in upside down because I did it.

I flipped it around before I started the bike, runs great!

As far as base gasket I put in whatever Mark at GF's sent me. I think there are two thicknesses, one being a lot more expensive than the other for some reason.