I have moved to Greece for the next couple of years. While packing up to leave I decided to sell my beloved 2003 EC 300 with the intention of buying a true EC here in europe. I had not considered the possibility that prices here in Europe would be unbelievably more expensive than in the US. I went out and priced a 08 EC 300 yesterday and it was 7680 euro. That works out to well over 10,000 us dollars. This makes no sense with how weak the dollar is today. Thinking this may be isolated to gasgas I priced the orange competition. OMG! They are asking 8660 euro for a 300 EXC. Thats 12,903 us dollars at todays exchange rate. What's the deal, it sure can't be shipping. Oh and all these prices are before the 19% tax. Any dealers out there willing to ship to Europe or arrange a european delivery from Spain? I am already suffuring moto withdrawl.