Rekluse EXP Clutch

Revloc Dyna Ring

What is the difference to a Rekluse EXP and a Revlock Dyna Ring???

Looks like it will be available for the Gas Gas soon. Here is his response to my e-mail


The Hyd. Dyna is here!!!! (well almost) The KTM 250/300 will be available
from Monday. All others will follow soon after, includind your GG.

The Dyna Ring will actually be the only option for your bike, and should
be available shortly.

Keep in touch with me or keep an eye out the website which will be
changing in the next few weeks.


Hey SKidad. It looks like the Dyna Ring works very similar to the EXP. At a much lower price! What are your thoughts on Dyna Ring vs Core EXP?
I talked to Mark at Gofasters and he said he would look into the Dyna Ring.
Also, I have read in the past, that the 2t clutches are all the same from 2000 to present. Is this true? So either the Dyna or the EXP would work on all our bikes? Thanks, Bob.
cr250 fibers 2.97mm thick.
the gas gas ones measure 2.75 thick
the cr250r steels are identical in dimension in all ways to stock gasgas plates.

As the Honda is so similar I wonder why Rekluse is slow to release a GasGas Pro kit? As they space the cover anyway wont the Honda fit with just a couple of mm more spacer on the cover?
As the Honda is so similar I wonder why Rekluse is slow to release a GasGas Pro kit? As they space the cover anyway wont the Honda fit with just a couple of mm more spacer on the cover?

It's not a plate issue, it's the center hub which is different than everything else.

I seriously doubt you will see the Pro model for the GG bikes. The reason is it comes with a complete new center clutch hub which requires Rekluse to make an expensive broach to make the internal splines for the main shaft in the hub. It's allot of time, development, money to get those new pieces made and how many would they really sell? The new Core EXP is basically a fancy pressure plate assy which by passes all the fancy pieces needed for the Pro...yet it's more money???? Doesn't make sense to me even if it does come with a new spiffy clutch cover. $899 is ALLOT of money IMO.

For $379 the Dyna Ring is looking better and better.
Has anybody tried a EFM autoclutch on a gaser yet

Unless there was some really compelling reason for the EFM I would pass on it. The new Dyna Ring from Recloc will require NO modifications to your stock clutch components. Same with the $$$ Rekluse Core EXP.

This was quite some time ago but a friend had the EFM on his KTM. As I recall he had to send then the clutch and there were some mods made to it that were irreversible if you wanted to go back to stock. The machine work was no where near the production like look to Rekluse and Revloc stuff. He had some strange issues/problems with the clutch and eventually put in a basic Revloc auto clutch and has had no problems with that.
For $379 the Dyna Ring is looking better and better.

no doubt about that.

it appears you still will need to turn a knob to bump start it, which maybe tricky on long downhills which is the only time you're potentially gonna be bumping it anyways i would think. seems like you'd have to turn knob/bump/then turn it back...
I have a dyna ring in my hands, but wont fit it just yet. The clutch adjuster is coming in the next month for an AJP master cylinder. I am not totally sold on the idea of having my clutch constantly under pressure giving me the specified clearance.

I have been talking to my CNC guy about making a slave cylinder that has a threaded adjuster bolt in the back of it so you can wind it in to mechanically set up the clearance. Sure I won't be able to turn the knob at the bars to roll start, but the hydraulics wont be always under pressure and the system can self bleed it the way it is intended.
I ran a rekluse pro on my Husky and have mixed feelings about it but over all I would do it again. The husky was a 4 stroke, I have never felt a need or desire to put a rekluse or any other auto clutch on a 2 stroke, especially one with a hydraulic clutch. I have way too much fun using the clutch and it works so well on the gasser.