Replica factory 2014

I see it all coming back now, especially the neon...guess that means I am getting old. ;)

Oh gawd, NEON! Not that s**t again! :D

I see you're in Acme, I grew up in Greensburg.

LOL . I lived in Greensburg until 1991 and went to Hempfield high school.
I like the purple shock...Just like the spring on my KX! I guess I will be looking for some of the other bling for my '14. Now I wish I didn't have a black swingarm or black forks! Oh well, liking these bikes must be due to something in the water from Greensburg as I've lived there, too!

Really is a small world huh?

Ok back to this bike. Wish I could put those plastic/decals on my bike. I really dig it and I already have red forks lol.

Rod or I will have pricing shortly,,,, and keep you posted to lead time if we can even get them. It is a limited production and our last container of 14's will be here April 21st. So unless the trials side of things has a container coming that we can piggyback off of, we might not be able to get any in. Sure is sweet looking though!
I very much like the looks of the Beta 300 Race, this bike? even more!
Very encouraging to see the direction new ownership could take GasGas.
Great looking bike. Racy and tasteful. Overall I really like most of the Gas Gas cosmetics over the past few years though I am a bit biased to my 2013. :)
That is one sweet looking machine. I think the purple shock is cool looking as well. Kind of shouts out "factory racing".
Not yet! We have a lot of ditch weed here though. Come on Steve I know deep down inside you gotta like that shock a little bit.:p Maybe I am just a little color blind. Ha!
Found this on facebook at the Portugal GP.
