Richer jetting after squish more?

New member
I don't know if where is the best place to ask this question because is about a KTM .

Is about a KM EXC 250 2011 sxs pipe.

I have set squish to 1.45mm. Jetting 42p N3CJ@4 170main as 1 . Alt 700m temp around 5C.

Bike rips! Wheelie at 90kmh. But I feel a bit to lean on bottom. Can I use 45? Isn't to big? Can I go up on main too? I just want to stay a bit richer.
Honestly you need to try each change one at a time an see if it works better than what you have.
Wind the idle mixture screw in. Is it better or worse?

1.45 is still loose as, but often if you go closer the compression will be way high without taking out of the chamber.
One question: if i use 45 nedw#3 168 (bike run ok,good bottom,good mid and top but too linear for my taste) and I want to use N3CW witch are the adjustment to do ? Bigger main?

Also I feel a bit of hesitation from 1/2 throttle to work on quick open,can be the main jet? Is flat just before power valve is opening after that booooom. In higher gears it feels the moist.

One more: if I use nedw#3 on and I put on necj#4 how the bike will feel?

Tnx guys. Best forum with very nice people.
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