I'm no expert, but perhaps you may want to look at focusing all your jetting and carb mods on the engine speed range of idle to about 5000rpm.
Firstly, it should help to stabilize your lower speed airflow a bit more via a plate in the intake horn(as we've talked about), or maybe even with a smaller diameter carb(call me crazy)

Any 2t I've ever ridden usually doesn't carburate well at lower speeds for longer periods. After about 1/4-1/3 throttle, they generally get better & better all they way to WFO, as the airflow gets more and more stable at increasingly faster RPMs.
Because you spend most of your riding at lower engine speeds, it may be beneficial to essentially fool the carb into thinking the engine is at a higher RPM than it is, by using a carb plate, or a smaller dia carb.......
A smaller dia carb should speed up air velocity thru it at lower speeds and help stabilize the airflow earlier, which should help improve fuel metering etc. Its should also help stabilize the idle better........
It will hurt top end, but you're hardly ever there, so that shouldn't matter too much...
Either that, or the fuel injection system now being offered by-
should solve your issues(plus it would be better if you guinea pig it for me

Sound nuts?