Starting diameters

Doc Brown

Anyone out there who knows which starting diameters the following needles have: ( I am unable to drive to my garage today so can't measure...)

JD_red (mine has 2 scribes)

The question I ask is because the bike sounds rich with the NECW in #3 on the first third of the rev range and I try to figure out why people constantly tell me it is a lean needle. It isn't in my opinion. It is not even lean at WOT running a 172 at 71 F.
all i have is :
N1EG : (thickest diameter) 2.7mm, tip is 1.4mm
NECJ : 2.75mm tip is 1.4mm

what PJ are you running? have you tried 1 step leaner?
From someone clever on the forum,can't remember who posted it but super useful-
Nxxx needle diameters
E=2.695mm (JD Blue)
G= 2.715
H= 2.725
W/I=2.735 (JD Red)
J= 2.745
From someone clever on the forum,can't remember who posted it but super useful-
Nxxx needle diameters
E=2.695mm (JD Blue)
G= 2.715
H= 2.725
W/I=2.735 (JD Red)
J= 2.745

I posted that.. I didn't measure them though. Found in my studies and saved. Been posted a few times.
what PJ are you running? have you tried 1 step leaner?

42. No, not yet but will give it a try once the weather has stabilized. Currently we have catastrophic weather starting with 12 degrees Celsius in the morning, 23 two hours later and 12 degrees 30 minutes later due to heavy thunderstorms. Humidity changing extremely all the time... :(

But I think, considering the JD_red worked well down low, that the 42 is also ok with the NECW as they have the same starting diameter of 2.735. Nevertheless it is worth a try as I found one difference:
with NECW I don't need to pull the choke and that indicates it may be too rich...
no need for a chocke with a cold engine, indeed indicates a rich situation.
if it's obvouisly running rich on the bottom, i'd try the 40PJ anyway.
does turning the airscrew have effect with the 42 PJ? if not go ahead and put the 40 and be amazed :D
put on a closed helmet ,rain coat and pants an go out testride :-p
no need for a chocke with a cold engine, indeed indicates a rich situation.
if it's obvouisly running rich on the bottom, i'd try the 40PJ anyway.
does turning the airscrew have effect with the 42 PJ? if not go ahead and put the 40 and be amazed :D
put on a closed helmet ,rain coat and pants an go out testride :-p

:D No, its too cold and too much rain at the mo.

But will give the 40PJ a try and report back. On Friday I'll measure the squish of the standard head, then replace it with a GP head and also measure squish with the GP head.

Yes, the air screw has an obvious effect with the 42 at least with my method to determine the PJ size. Currently it's at 1.75 turns but it was at 2 and 2.25 turns on all other Gassers I had (a 2018 and another 2019). None of my other bikes started without choke, not even when it was warm (25 C or 77 F).
:D No, its too cold and too much rain at the mo.

But will give the 40PJ a try and report back. On Friday I'll measure the squish of the standard head, then replace it with a GP head and also measure squish with the GP head.

Yes, the air screw has an obvious effect with the 42 at least with my method to determine the PJ size. Currently it's at 1.75 turns but it was at 2 and 2.25 turns on all other Gassers I had (a 2018 and another 2019). None of my other bikes started without choke, not even when it was warm (25 C or 77 F).

ok, if the PJ has effect, i'd say it's about right. i'd then try to lower the needle a notch.
ok, if the PJ has effect, i'd say it's about right. i'd then try to lower the needle a notch.

I just saw that I don't have a 40 pj. I have 35,38, 42 but no damn 40 :mad:

But at the moment I have no time. Hope I can change the head tomoz or Saturday, then see what I'll do about the richness down low... That may be the key to the bikes drinking problem :)
Doc definitely try a 40 especially since we are getting into the summer months. I'm running a 40 pilot myself and it seems to be the sweet spot along with the NEDW needle on the 2nd clip (as mentioned over on ThumperTalk). The bike runs incredibly crisp all throughout and my spooge is VERY minimal, barely dribbles out of the exhaust so I'm happy with that. I'm running Motul 710 premix at 50:1 if you're wondering.
Doc definitely try a 40 especially since we are getting into the summer months. I'm running a 40 pilot myself and it seems to be the sweet spot along with the NEDW needle on the 2nd clip (as mentioned over on ThumperTalk). The bike runs incredibly crisp all throughout and my spooge is VERY minimal, barely dribbles out of the exhaust so I'm happy with that. I'm running Motul 710 premix at 50:1 if you're wondering.

Hi Moto
Just ordered a 40 PJ. Will test it soon. I run the NECW in #3 so we're just half a clip different.
Like you I run Motul 710 @ 50:1.

At the moment I have lots of spooge and the bike sounds rich down low as it did before with the JD_red. But no wonder if both needles have the same starting diameter.

I'll keep you updated but will take a while. Thank you ;)

Lucky me found a 40 pilot jet, original Keihin in my toolbox :)

So this morning we took the head off, as expected that was a no brainer. Pretty easy job as on most two strokes.

We measured squish and it was 2.05mm on the stock head. Then we did the same with the GP head (which surprisingly looked exactly like the stock head and was not black like on the GP bikes delivered ex factory).

With the GasGas GP head we measured 1.79mm. The difference of 0.26mm seemed not be very much but in fact that makes a huge difference. I could feel that the kickstarter was harder to move (by hand) than before.

First I wanted to try the head and then change the pilot jet but then decided to change the pilot jet and make test run and carb setting later. I left the NECW at #3 and did not change anything, then started the bike. We had 23 C which is about 74 F but in the sun it felt more like 85 F.

First thing I immediately noticed was that the idle was far to high but I left it as it was as I thought it may come down with the engine getting warmer. But it didn't. So I turned the idle screw half a turn ccw and the idle was nice and stable. I have to mention that I always set the idle very low. I prefer a bike that stalls from time to time than a too high idle.

My riding buddy immediately said that the bike smokes less when I blip the throttle. It used to smoke after each blip but that is almost totally gone now. Then I rode it up and down the road with medium revs and it felt very crisp. After a while I gave it a hand full in second and third and I was very amused as it is so crisp and responsive. It never felt that good. I tweaked the air screw a few times and found the sweet spot at a tad more than 1.5 turns out.

After a few minutes I had to stop as one of the neighbours called the cops and told them there is a bike without licence plates going up and down the road with a fat bastard that wears shorts and no helmet.

When the coppers arrived and asked what was going on we said we haven't seen anyone and it was maybe in a byway about 300 feet from here. When they moved I did a last short run, just for the idiot who called the cops and I whacked the throttle full open in second and third and the upper triple clamp tried to hit me in the face twice :D Niiiiiicccccee!

Buddy said exhaust smokes a lot less than before and sounds nice and deep, just a tad lighter than before, but no indication of being too lean.
The silencer was completely clean. Before the head change it had little oil spots from just one acceleration through the gears. This time it was dry. So it seems spooge is reduced too. The best part is that the engine doesn't sound lean or bangs on decceleration and it feels so super crisp.

Of course I can't say was it the head or the pilot jet but I guess both things helped the engine to perform as expected. A lot better than before.

Final verdict has to be postponed until I can ride it on the usual play ground but this may take another two weeks. So far I am pretty impressed as it never before run that good.

Thanks to all for the useful hints :):cool:

current setting:

Main jet: 172
Pilot jet: 40
Needle: NECW
Clip: #3
Air screw: exactly between 1.5 and 1.75 turns out
Slide: 7 without notch
Temperature: 74F
Altitude: 650 feet
Oil: Motul 710 @ 50:1
Fuel: 95 octane pump gas